Whereas – the American people have lost confidence in the voting process
Whereas – the voting process has been smeared all over the calendar
Whereas – computers with software of questionable origin have been interjected into the voting process
Whereas – the Democratic Party cannot be trusted
Whereas – George Soros has bought and paid for the Secretaries of State in many of these United States
Whereas – Democrat Party intimidation and illegal practices are well documented
Whereas – the main stream media is complicit in suppressing information about voting irregularities resulting in voter suppression
Whereas – big tech and social media platforms are unreliable and biased by censoring free speech resulting in voter suppression
Therefore, the American people demand that all future elections be conducted as follows:
All voting is to be conducted on a single voting day; the only exceptions are legal and certified Absentee Ballot approved by the local Clerk Office including military ballots which must be counted
All voters are to be certified by a voter identification card which must prove citizenship and be applied for and approved and issued 60 days prior to the election date by proving residency of 180 days prior to the election date
All ballots are to be paper ballots and hand counted in each and every precinct in every state
All ballot counting will only proceed when representatives from each major party are present to observe the counting and certification of the count
All local clerks will post vote totals immediately at the completion of the certified counting process
All ballots will be retained for a period of not less than two years