Go to www.whitehouse.gov/contact, fill in your personal information and send a message to the President! This is my message, feel free to use or improve!

We are not sure the President is actually aware THIS is how the election was really stolen. We the People owe it to him to help, WE are responsible for getting this FIXED!!!
As a citizen of this country, I am requesting an immediate forensic autopsy of HAMMER to be conducted by it's developer, Mr. Dennis Montgomery.

Mr. Montgomery developed this tool in 2003 to protect our country from foreign bad actors. The obama administration weaponized this tool AGAINST the American people. It was used with an app called ScoreCard to steal the 2020 presidential election from the American people. Hammer keeps a log of all who access it!

Please provide Mr. Montgomery with adequate staff and PROTECTION to do this important work IMMEDIATELY, if not sooner.

Thank you for your attention to this matter on behalf of We the People of the United States of America.