The world works on relationships. The more connections that you have, the more you can get done in this world. Even if you can do it all yourself, it is still much easier with some good connections. It is important to make and maintain a good network of quality people.

Never burn bridges unless you have to, and then, never without a very good reason. You never know when your path may take you back to that same bridge again, and if it isn’t there, you will have to go the long way around.

Although it is best not to burn bridges, there are times when the superior man does need to sever a relationship. We are, after all, men of character, not lap dogs. Our patience does have limits. The point here is that you should think about it long and hard before deciding to burn any bridge, but when you have gotten to that point, burn it completely, knowing that when you do so, you have made a lifelong enemy. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: or from

#bohdi Sanders, #life
