I can hardly believe that Pelosi is flippin out thinking Trump is going to NUKE SOME PLACE! This woman is beyond crazy! They are SO afraid of their corruption being exposed that they don't even want to give him the last 2 weeks!

Between all the crap with the Clintons, Obamas, the PEACEFUL PROTESTS of the summer, VARIOUS LAPTOPS (recent and past), and all the graft they get as kickbacks from special interests and foreign "AID" grants .... IT WAS ALL OK! NO ONE LIFTED A FRIGGIN BROW! Now, they say that Trump incited RIOTS when he told everyone to walk to the capital to cheer on congress, be peaceful and law abiding; and they try to force Pence to oust him and if that fails, they'll impeach again ... WHY CAN'T PEOPLE SEE THROUGH THIS CRAP??? .... So now they're saying he wants to nuke something/someone .... they are PETRIFIED of what may be exposed. WHY haven't things in the past been prosecuted? Ever WONDER about THAT??

If you have a brain, you have to realize that someone that couldn't get 200 people to a rally certainly didn't win over someone that got tens of thousands! And if you think Biden was the real presidential candidate, you're even more foolish. If you can't take the time to read Alinsky's Rule book and see what's really going on, you deserve what you get ... but God help the rest of us that have eyes to see and ears to hear! We will pay for your greed, lust, false pride and insolence!

With all my heart and soul and all that is within me, I pray and hope that there really IS things that can be exposed and that there WILL be ARRESTS and CONVICTIONS and that Trump will be able to drain the swamp. If not, we have no more USA. If not, Many of us will likely never vote again, knowing there's no sense to waste time when IT'S THE PEOPLE WHO *COUNT* THE VOTES THAT MATTERS IN THE END!! I love my CATHOLIC FAITH, I love my COUNTRY, I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ. But I am DEVISTATED to see so MANY are SO IGNORANT of Biblical Prophecy, Eschatology and COMMON SENSE to have let our BELOVED NATION FALL SO FAR DOWN THIS SLIPPERY SLOPE!!! When the others wake up, it will be too late .... waaaay toooo late :-(

BUT ... those who voted in the culture of sin and death (for that's what they TRULY ARE), will have a far far greater price to pay. Both here and the hereafter. May God have mercy on you AND US.