J Melton

Here's a quick outline from today's message. Friend, this is not crazy conspiracy stuff. God's word is coming to pass . . .

1. NO NATIONALISM OR PATRIOTISM. Loyalty to ones homeland is disallowed. The "global community" takes priority. "America First" and "Make America Great Again" are words of rebellion.

2. UNRESTRICTED IMMIGRATION. National boundaries are taboo and cruel. We're all global citizens.

3. BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT KNOWS BEST. The rule is to never question your leaders. They have sacrificed their lives and personal interests in order to serve you. Be grateful, pay your taxes, and do as you are told. Report anyone who doesn't.

4. EVIL WEARS A SMILE. All of the new world order is evil, but it's disguised as good. The welfare state is good, same sex marriage is good, abortion is good as it is considerate of the mother's needs and own right to choose, $15 minimum wage is good and compassionate, etc. All evil must wear a smile and function under the banner of good. Isa 5:20.

5. IMMORALITY PROMOTED. Sin destroys lives, so Satan promotes sin. The coming antichrist has no moral code. Just take the mark and worship him, even if you're a sodomite, a murderer, a thief, an adulterer, an idolator, etc. Rev. 9:21.

6. "FREE" GOVERNMENT EDUCATION FOR ALL. Free public education is one of the planks of the communist manifesto as big brother indoctrination is absolutely essential in molding children into global citizens. Even free college tuition is in the works.

7. SOCIALIZED INCOME TAX SYSTEM. In the name of being "fair" and "spreading the wealth around" by taking from one class and giving to another, universal taxing is mandatory for financing the global order.

8. SYMBOLISM OVER SUBSTANCE. Truth and facts no longer matter. Political correctness, perceptions, and how one "feels" takes priority. If one feels hated, intimidated or endangered, then someone must pay. Period. If bleeding heart liberals say they "care," then that's all that matters, even though the substance of their policies prove otherwise.

9. DESTROY OR SILENCE ALL NON-CONFORMISTS. The left, being comprised of mainstream media people, career government officials and leaders in academia and "science" will work together as a team to blacklist anyone who speaks or acts against "the almighty state." The attempted destruction of President Trump is a prime example.

10. WORSHIP THE BEAST. This is where it's all headed (Rev. 13:4-8, 12, 15; 14:9, 11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4). After a century of respecting, depending on and reverencing big brother government, it will be time to WORSHIP him. Satan has desired this from the beginning (Isa. 14:12-15), he desired worship from the Lord Jesus (Mat. 4:9), and he will demand worship in the Great Tribulation (II Ths. 2:3-11). Those who refuse will be killed.

Make no mistake about it. As fearful as all of this sounds, it is absolutely true and will come to pass, probably very soon.
