This group is to encourage us with prophetic and Rhema (Holy Spirit inspired words) of the Lord.

The Bible tells us not to despise prophecy -1 Thessalonians 5:20. It is listed as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation (1 Cor 12), until we come into complete perfection, unity of the faith and maturity of Christ (Eph 4:11-12).

In New Testament prophecy our role as a Christians is to do the following regarding prophecy:

1. Test the spirit behind a word (1 John 4:1

2. Agree with it by faith (Amos 3:3)

3. Receive it by faith (Ephesians 2:8, Hebrews 11:1)

4. Wage the good warfare (1 Timothy 1:18) with it when the devil tries to steal (John 10:10, Mark 4:14) the word and create contrary circumstances to get us out of faith.

Many today unfortunately confuse our role in prophecy and assume that prophetic words will automatically come to pass. However, this does not bear out in the New Testament scriptures.

Apostle Paul would not have told Timothy he needed to wage warfare unless there was a fight. Many prophecies are conditional. We receive everything by faith through grace because of our Lord Jesus.

If we reject a prophetic word or come out of agreement with it, letting the devil steal it, then we should not be surprised if it doesn’t come to pass.

Right now they’re many confused because the majority of true prophets said that President Trump would win. He did. The enemy is trying to steal what was won. Our job is to stand in agreement by faith not by sight.

The Bible says we are to agree with the Lord and His prophets and we shall prosper - 2 chronicles 20:20.The Lord right now is seeing who is in faith.

- Prophetic Preacher