I believe there's a law of attraction influencing everyone and everything in the universe. What are we attracting to ourselves? Why are we in our current condition? Be honest. Get understanding, do you not know that those unclean and unholy proclivities in our hearts attract death (negativity)? This is why the scripture exhorts us, be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Amen. Appropriate the precious blood of Jesus, daily, which cleanses from all unrighteousness. Saints, we are created for life, found only in Christ. We are designed for relationship in that Life, therefore, whatever opposes it MUST be dealt with.

What is our response? It is wisdom to agree with Him quickly, as He purges those negative attractions out of our hearts. We choose to trust Him knowing it is for our good. Do not blame anyone else. Rebuke discouragement. Take personal responsibility for yourself. Become His testimony (witness) of change that helps others. Remember, God’s not allowing trials to come to us for the purpose of punishment but for purity. The shakings. The siftings. The refining fire to produce the image of Christ in purified gold? By faith, we are His bride, His ekklesia, without spot or wrinkle–clean because of His Word. After the purging, the dealings, that which remains is HOLY (set-apart for God alone). I’m convinced His Holiness attracts life and goodness. That becomes the attractive contagion.

A prayer: Father, give us clean hands and pure hearts. Steady us in these volatile times. Reveal, by your grace, the power of Your love. We choose courage in your discipleship process. Give us hearts that cease to attract those things which are ungodly or selfish. We humbly yield to Your heavenly gravitational pull unto the full purpose of Your Kingdom. Help us to enjoy the journey of transformation. Father, be as gentle as possible in the process. Joy. Patience. Allegiance.
In Jesus name, Amen.