5m ·
My cat died yesterday. She was old and her kidneys failed, as often happens to cats when they get old. She died at home. I watched her breath her last and we buried her in the yard. Death is an ugly, ugly thing. Of course, the vet's office would have been happy to let me bankrupt myself trying to save a dying cat who had only days to live even with intervention.
Maybe the only thing that is uglier than death is people who exploit it for their own gain.**
**It used to be that vets set their prices to what most people could pay out of pocket but now, they have this thing where you have to apply for a loan before they'll treat the animal because they won't even estimate how much the bill will be so that you can figure out if you can pay for it out of pocket or not. Only they don't tell you that you're doing is applying for a loan. They get paid by the loan company and then you're on the hook to the loan company. It is pure, predatory exploitation of worried, grieving people. And of course, their prices have risen into the stratosphere because people are willing to go into debt to save their beloved pets. The vets and the loan companies know this and exploit that love accordingly.
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