so world population is 7.8 billion
there are 99.6 million cases
54.9 million recovered
2.4 million deaths
so, on these numbers. you have a .0127% chance to catch covid
and a .0240% chance to die from it.
Google gave me these numbers. so check for yourself.
In America we have 330 million people.
25.3 million cases, with 420 thousand deaths.
wich gives you a .0766% chance of catching covid, .0012% chance of dying from it.
California (strictest policies)
population-39.5 million people
3.2 million cases, 37,349 deaths
thats a .0116% chance to catch it ,
.0810%chance of death
Texas- Population 28.9 million people 2.25 million cases, 35,071 deaths. that's a .0115 chance to catch and a.0775% chance of death.
population 21.47 million people
1.6 million cases, 25,445 deaths.
that's a .0159% chance to catch, .0744 to die from covid. can someone please explain why the lockdowns??????