I remember studying "the Harbinger" and when Israel was devastated by a terrorist attack:“With pride and arrogance of heart they will say” “The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with finished stone; the sycamores have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.”When the United States was attacked on September 11th This scripture in Isaiah was spoken by John Edwards, and Tom Daschle in response to America's determination to rebuild after September 11th. And it was a curse on the US. Didn’t they realize t was all about PRIDE AND ARROGANCE! There was a lone SYCAMORE tree at the corner of Ground Zero at St. Paul's Chapel - a place where George Washington once sought God for mercy on our country. t was felled by debris from the North Tower
One of the 'foundations' of the United States is Wall Street where the New York Stock Exchange was founded. The previous name of this group? The Buttonwood Association. Buttonwood literally means "sycamore." Wall Street was also the first location our government convened under the newly ratified Constitution. It's first meeting was at the corner of Ground Zero. A bronze sculture of the uprooted sycamore at ground zero was placed on Wall street in September of 2005. While in office Obama payed a visit to the new World Trade Center building site where he signed a steel girder with a message :"We remember, We rebuild. We come back stronger!" No mention of thanks to God just strictly a prideful statement.
There has been a very extensive comparison of America to Baybeloyn the Great but also that it might be what is refered to as the revise Roman empire. If you should read Revelation and be thinking about Baybeloyn the great remember it’s not just Rome that sits on seven hills Washington DC has seven hills also.
1 Capitol Hill
2Meridian Hill
3Floral Hills
4Forest Hills
7Knox Hill
Enjoy the rest of the crash and burn! Peace unto you who would seek it but woe unto you that choose to ambush the One who has the double edged sword. ?
