JerryO is feeling Blessed
4 yrs

The United States shall be a Republic, shall be governed by the rule of law of the people for the people by the people. established by freewill and maintained by freewill.

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear. TJ

God gave you free will because, God works through you via free will with inspiration, “not control” that is the key to understand, this very important distinction.

So, when people say God is in control more like God is your copilot, why would God be in control of every aspect of your life and in the same turn grant you free will to make your own decisions it seems counterintuitive.

As we look to history we see examples of this in the year of our Lord 1776 a group of colonists, rose up against a tyrannical overlord imposing "his will" violating the aspects of free will, therefore violating the number one tenant that God has handed down to mankind. these Colonists had a choice to make, they did however have the divine hand of Providence on their side but ultimately, they had to do the work of obtaining liberty and their freedom, I do not believe that our thirst for liberty or your thirst for freedom has diminished because is not who we are.

Submission to any tyrant or any man is against the very tenants and the very idea of free will. You submit by allowing them to Lord over you, listen to the words allowing them to Lord over you if you do that you are willingly using free will to submit their tyranny. If you act in fear, that is submission. How can you embrace such a concept of submission and believe in the heavenly Father and embrace his gift of free, will while submitting, that does going against everything that he has granted you, but let us not be confused here when I say he is granted you free will is obvious. because you wake up in the morning and you dress the way you want to, then you go about your day in the way that you want to, if not you’re not exercising freedom you’re not exercising liberty and you certainly aren’t exercising the gift granted to you by the heavenly father "free will" chose wisely.