News From the Soft Secession – Daily Pundit

News From the Soft Secession – Daily Pundit

From Bill Quick's website... "I’ve mentioned these actions before, but I’m doing so again because they are important. We will have to remove as much of America as we can from the federal power, which has become a tyranny operated by oligarchs and communists. And we have to start doing so from the very lowest levels.

Push your local representatives to represent your wishes. If those wishes contravene the federal tyranny, all the better. Secede from their laws. Nullify them. Let your battle cry be, “I will not. And you can go **** yourself.”

Indiana, which already has a reasonably liberal concealed carry law, is now pushing toward statewide constitutional carry. I’ve contacted my state senator and representative already, and I am going to try to organize some sort of get together locally where my friends and neighbors can also express their wishes on the matter.

Do this everywhere you can, or at least support those who are trying to do this.

UPDATE: When I say “nullify them,” I also mean using jury nullification as it was constitutionally intended: As a bulwark against tyranny and tyrannical laws. If you are seated on a jury to try some patriot for resisting a tyrannical law, never vote to convict. Try to achieve an acquittal, but at least get a hung jury. Don’t tell anybody what you are doing or why you are doing it, just do it. Don’t attempt to avoid jury service. It is one of our most basic protective rights. Use it."