Boaz shares what he has learned about Ruth after watching her work in his fields in Ruth 2:11-12.
All that she has done for Naomi
How she left her parents and the land of her birth
How she chose to be with people she did not previously know.
Don't ever think that the things you do go unnoticed. God sees them, absolutely. But other people are watching too.
Does your work ethic draw the attention of others? If someone were to start asking about you, what would they learn? What would others point out about you?
We are not always in control of reputation - evil people will say evil things sometimes. But, generally, we are in control of what people think about us.
Pause for just a minute and consider - based on what you've done this week - how would others see your actions? What reputation would they share about you? Even your children will have a report to give if someone asks them!
If the picture isn't what you would like it to be - choose one way you can work to make it better. Pray for wisdom to choose and do better. So the next time someone watches, they can say "May the Lord reward your work, and your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge."