Yesterday my aunt was rushed to emergency because of a perferated appendix which might mean a ruptured appendix or in so many words...dangerous. Before she could have anything done she had to be tested for "covid" meaning about 1.5 hours of doing NOTHING and at 91, time matters. She had had the shot or shots months ago so WHY was potentially minutes wasted. Does this mean the "shot" doesn't really Grudgingly I wore my Humana cloth mask upon entering the hospital only to be told to wear one of these "not for medical use" Chinese made throwaways....questions, questions, questions. My aunt wasn't required to wear a mask while in a hospital room with people coming and going, but would have to wear one if she goes out in the hallway for a walk. I guess there are no germs in a hospital room, only beyond it's walls???? Common sense has left the building!