The last couple of days have dealt with a cough and shortness of breath...a feeling of a big piece of cotton in my chest. After a couple of days of hoping it would just take care of itself I contacted a friend who I had lent my nebulizer and a product called Molecula Silver to help her with a respiratory ailment. I later found out she never used it, but picked it up last night and have used it. While early, the cotton feeling is gone and taking a deep breath feels like getting air in my lungs. I originally bought these products years ago when dealing with viral bronchitis for months. Even the doctor I ended up going to said with a viral thing, you are on your own and your body has to take care of it. He did give me an inhaler and a steroid called Predozone, neither doing anything. The silver and nebulizer took care of it within a day or two. Do natural remedies work...YOU BET and why I spend weeks at county fairs pleading that case and having little success. My first Fair a couple of weeks ago fell on deaf ears. I have two left with one starting next week. Should I expect a different result, probably not, but one can HOPE! Maybe people like being sick or taking "drugs" to make them feel better. Mother Nature is AMAZING if you look in the right places and let common sense work by saying to yourself...your body is your temple, work with it, help it, and it will return the favor with BETTER HEALTH!!