So, on this 20 year anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in this country, I’m pondering the changes that have taken place since then and of course, more recently, and thought I would make a comment. So, on Sept. 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked us. Back then, we were united. We were a great country of people who stood together. Flags came out. Even here in California, 3,000 miles away, we were New Yorkers. We grieved, we were angry, we had the spirit of Americans, and we stood together in LOVE! We gave blood. We donated food and money. We said, NEVER AGAIN. And yet today, we are not united. We have allowed small factions of hateful people to convince us that we’re racists. That we don’t care about our fellow Americans. We have let a virus and our government divide us. We have allowed the current Administration to control us, spend trillions of dollars wastefully, raise our taxes, causing inflation—which of course, has made our cost-of-living skyrocket, while our people and economy struggle—and tell us that we don’t have choices. Biden is making deals with Islamic terrorists as we speak. He (or more accurately, the silent people behind him, controlling him like a puppet) states that the Afghanistans and the Taliban are cooperative, even though the Americans that HE left behind, are being kidnapped and beaten and they’re sending us pictures to rub our noses in it. All the while, telling us Americans that we are not cooperative because not every one of us chooses to get a vaccination, even though the cases of COVID have decreased 5% in the last week (you’ve got to wonder what the ulterior motives are of those puppeteers). He says, “It’s not about freedom. It’s not about personal choice…we’ve been patient and our patience is running thin? I will used my powers as President to get them out of the way.” Really? DO YOU GUYS ACTUALLY HEAR THAT? In this country, we have no more freedom, no more liberty, no more rights? We do not have a Constitution that demands we be treated with more respect than that? He can supposedly MANDATE the vaccination or we “lose [our] jobs?” Our struggles are of no concern to the White House. So, the only way that we can stand together today as Americans, is to do whatever our government tells us to do. That’s called far-left fascism and communism people. We just jumped from a free country, past socialism and into totalitarianism and dictatorship! I won’t stand for it and it may cost me my life. Will you? Will you be part of the problem or part of the solution? Think about it. I encourage you to figure out who you are. Stop thinking politics and division and decide what you actually think is best for OUR country and OUR people. All of us, together. GOD BLESS YOU ALL IN THESE TERRIBLE TIMES!
