Hello everyone im #Cologneandy also #DJCologneandy one of the unwantest and censored and #busted german onemanfighter for #Democracy and Worlds Number1 unsigned DJ at mixcloud,what gives me very often the chance to whistleblowing things always only 100% safe endless tested facts about everything how #Democracy in germany is #destroyed by #AngelaMerkel and nearly everyone other except the #AlternativefürDeutschland i changed to as my new #favoritparty when i saw how unfair with endless lies they got fighted. As i had no job until today since 04-18 i started collect and research everything about every lie about the #AfD about my most hated party #diegrünen and every lie they did anytime how they frame since year east germany with many organisations to actually come nearer and near to an DDR 2.0 actually around 500 banging pics severall videos everywhere deleted and only on my youtube channel.endless facts about #SaudiArabia invading europe from the inside with refugees big payed censorships(2012 3billion to facebook,instagram and twitter) to shadowban things and hashtags like #remigration to avoid people asking for this. I always record every censorship many never saw at other channels ... im here to give thousands of hours of intensive work for freespeech real freedom ,and telling true facts with very hated infos about #framing and the #firms that all learned to lie for this antidemocracy network they name as needed against exactly what they do...also insiderfacts about demonstrations last year as person who take a look days before daily to find pages where lies where made mostly making demonstration members to "fake" nazis to bring the #never believe a nazi fact or name it propaganda when someone tell the truth... im here to also find even more true facts to collect and posty daily some things out of my collection. hehe