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3 yrs

Right v. Correct
There is right and there is correct. We tend to think of these as being the same. Let’s take a look at it from a semantics point of view versus an absolute point of view.
Absolutism is something that is gauged by a golden standard. Most golden standards tell us what is right and what is wrong. Semantics gives the user the wiggle room to determine what may be correct or incorrect. These correctness standards may change from time to time. Golden standards never change.
Marxist standards lean towards correctness. This is because they need the wiggle room to allow the ends to justify the means as they change. These have changed over the last century and a half, at least.
Biblical standards are based on right and wrong and have never varied, although watered down versions have attempted – and in some cases successfully – to change these Golden Standards laid out by our Heavenly Father. He communicated these through His fellow heavenly beings -Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit among them.
The more recent versions of correctness that have been instituted and observed are what Karl Marx postulated as ‘political correctness’. This and the corrupt media have created the mess we are in now.
Not following the biblical golden standards have also contributed greatly to the mess we are in now.
The Political Correctness Ten Commandments
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before government, unless run by conservatives
2. Thou shalt not make any disrespectful images of liberals, democrats or rioters
3. Thou shalt not take the name of democrats in vain
4. Remember the lawless, and keep them ‘set apart’
5. Honor thy left-wing media, and never question them
6. Thou shalt not kill anyone who is not white, or unborn, or conservative.
7. Thou shalt not commit adulthood
8. Thou shalt steal from anyone you deem ‘not you’
9. Thou shalt bear false witness with every breath in order to further the agenda
10. Thou shalt covet, unless it involves truth or lawfulness
