3 yrs - Youtube

In listening and following some of these GLOBALISTS.... it definitely sounds like the Antichrist is present
... AS well as the False Prophet. The POPE (I have a belief) who is in a strong running to portray.

Just listening and watching the actions of the many individuals who follow and believe in things
spoken by the Globalists, their puppets, fake media, & controlled world leaders ?that speak outright deceptive lies and twisted perceptions ?makes one wonder when the twilight zone turned reality show.

- they have abandoned ? the ability to USE THEIR OWN BRAINS & RELY ON LOGIC & COMMON SENSE -

It shows God's Word once again being PROVEN TRUE for end days and the individuals falling away from HIS TRUTHS & many others falling further into evil ways.

Weak faith ... those who proclaim to know God, have a relationship with Jesus, yet they are living their lives as if Jesus is far off.

Many will be caught unaware!

Romans 1:28-
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.....