Where Oh Where is the Church
All Catholic & Christian Kids in Govt Schools Learn the Religion of the State.
Stop Pagan Government Schools
?Separation of church and state is an oxymoron there is no such thing. Some one's world view will be the philosophy of school or govt it is a question of whose and why and is it right.
?They took God, prayer, commandments out in the 1960's after 200 years of being in the schools. They replaced God with the religion of secular humanism man as his own lawgiver..
?The Courts took God out and gave us ?abortion, ?fornication, ?porn, ?LGBT, ?gay marriage.
?It was never like that before. They teach all kids sex outside of marriage is ok as long as they contracept, they teach them state confidentiality laws so they understand they do not have to deal with their parents driving the wedge between parent and child and rapidly move on to teach them all where to get reproductive services all without parental knowledge.
?They teach them their are no moral absolutes, a moral relativistic world view, through values clarification, situational ethics, role play, and SEL Social Emotional Learning.
