Been awhile since I was in here. Lots going on with us that is for sure. Hey, I didn't break any bones last yr or this so far. Things are looking up . Hubbies cancer is still in recession and he had a hip replacement. That was caused by his pelvis getting broken in a car accident when he was 11 yrs old. So he did well.
We lost a son in law 3 Dec. 2021, he was 51. Just had a new great grand girl and another will be here in July.
We had two feet of snow at the end of April, but that is melted off now with all the rains we have been getting. Except it snowed on us Monday all day the 9th of May as hubby was out mowing. It didn't stay so that was good. We are praying that it will stay dry long enough for the garden area to dry out enough to till and plant.
The last two nights it has been above freezing so I will take that. The creek is running high, very nice.