BUSTED -- AOC's RISE to POWER (D) PUPPET has been EXPOSED by a Far-Left Group, One a YOUNG TURKS guy, to TAKE-OVER Their DEMOCRATIC POWER THOUGH Actress AUDITIONS, called "JUSTICE DEMOCRATS". They have Others Under Their PsyOp Operation to Start a NEW GENERATION of POWER to TYRANNY!! PLEASE WATCH AND LEARN, as these TECH GUYS and MONEY CONTROL Also, Other WOMEN like RASHIDA TALIB from Detroit, MI, and Others in the WING.
youtube's link:

SOLVED: The Mystery of AOC's Rise to Power | The Black Sphere

SOLVED: The Mystery of AOC's Rise to Power | The Black Sphere

Have you ever asked yourself how a bartender in New York City suddenly became the rising star of the left? How could she even run such a campaign?