those of us who are on the Creators side have been way to tolerant of the evil satanic followers for way to long. The Noach covenant says we are not to allow the evil to continue, PERIOD. Tolerance of the evil left is not part of the Creators guidelines. Those who follow after the pagan 'non existent gods" (demons) have always been dealt with severely. If we do not begin to have some backbone and take them down they will destroy all of mankind. And for what? so they can be in control of a cold spherical graveyard. Not on my watch! Even at 73 I will not go quietly into the night. The only bright part of this whole thing is that the scripture of Yahweh says this will happen, that does not mean we just let it happen. The Creator never says we are to allow evil to flourish. He also says that all of His laws apply to all of mankind not just Jews, but everyone else as well. That includes all the satanic liberals cheaters who think they can get away with it. Their judgement will be final, and all the pain they have placed on others, especially those who just wanted to live a peaceful life will be placed on them one thousand times more. For eternity. Thanks I just had to get that off my chest. Never give up and Never surrender!