Lefty is Among Us

Lefty came down to Georgia.
Lefty didn't come to play.
Lefty was run out of town.
Lefty will be back another day.

Lefty says war is not over.
Lefty still trying to reconstruct.
Lefty will never throw in the towel.
Lefty say's our voting had bad conduct.

Lefty wants our history gone.
Lefty wants our past vanished.
Lefty wishes Southern ways deleted.
Lefty demands our flag banished.

Lefty wishes Stone Mountain blasted.
Lefty wants R. E. Lee street renamed.
Lefty wants Confederate graves dug up.
Lefty wants Southerner's properly shamed.

Lefty won't be happy,
until school books are replaced.
Lefty won't be happy,
until all monuments are de-faced.

Lefty won't be finished,
until all of Dixie is broken.
Lefty won't be finished,
until hey y'alls are no longer spoken.

The sad part of it all,
no one is fighting back.
The Cyclorama's not the same.
The South is under daily attack.

One day it will all be gone.
Maybe smarter heads will prevail.
I sort of doubt it though,
Kids taught, all just a racist tale.

Lefty came down to Georgia.
Lefty didn't come to play.
Lefty was run out of town.
Lefty will be back another day.

R. S. Morris