Tribalism has a very adaptive effect in human evolution. Humans are social animals and ill-equipped to live on their own. Tribalism and social bonding help to keep individuals committed to the group, even when personal relations may fray. That keeps individuals from wandering off or joining other groups.
In sociology, tribalism is characterized by strong in-group loyalty. This is true in politics, as well, and can be devoid of facts or proof – like being a sports fan supporting one’s team.
When they talk about environmental, ideological or political tribalism, they are really talking about blindly and mechanically following the ‘group.’
Former President Barack Obama has warned that we risk “turning away from democratic principles in favor of tribalism and ‘might makes right.’” Obama also warned against "politics that feeds anger and resentment". Interesting since he instituted the former which led to the latter, a philosophy that he advanced.
