Get your copy of *The Gospel According to Alex Jones* today!
How does the worldview of Alex Jones match up to the historic Gospel taught by the Church through the ages?
Can a Conspiracy Theorist get saved?
Who said, "Even God doesn't know where he came from!"
How many wives has Alex Jones had?
Which of the following celebrities and media personalities have been interviewed by Alex or have been on INFO WARS?
Steven Seagal Mike Tyson Lou Dobbs Candace Owens
Lara Logan #triumph ron Paul Joe Rogan
Andrew Tate Dave Mustaine Jay Dyer Kristi Leigh
Get a few copies for yourself, your friends and family members and find out!
You can even get a few copies for the Conspiracy Skeptics you may know.
Only the true Gospel leads to heaven - see the third chapter written by my good friend Jeff Sinclair who has over sixty messages on Sermon Audio:
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