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These are Zionists Judaism Jews who hate and reject Jesus who are causing all this trouble.
These Zionist Judaism Jews hate America and our freedom.
The apostle Paul said, bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
If Israel attacked the USS Liberty you have to wonder if Israel was responsible for the attack on America on 9/11? Not one single Jewish person died in those World Trade Centers. From what I understand, all the Jews were called early that Monday morning and told to stay home and don't go to work.
In this present 2000 year Church Age that we live in today, God's veil of unbelief is over the spiritual eyes of the Jews but when the Rapture happens that veil will be removed from the Jews and put over the eyes of the Gentiles (in other words, the Jews will have the truth about Jesus and they will be believers in Jesus and they will be hated by all the Gentile nations). Israel will be evangelizing the world for Jesus, not America any more. That is hard to believe but that is exactly what is going to happen.