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Eyal Golan - Am Yisrael Chai

Am Yisrael Chai
B'karov tizrach hashemesh
Neda yamim yafim me'ele
Halev nilcham bed'agot
Kulam yachzoru habaita
Nechake lahem lemata
Halevai neda b'surot tovot

Ki am hanetzach le'olam lo mefached
Afili kshekashe lirot
Kulam b'yachad af echad po lo boded
Shisrefu hamlachamot

Am Yisrael Chai
Im lo nishkach tamid lihiyot me'uchadim
Am Yisrael Chai
Be'aliyot beyeridot gam b'sha'ot haki kashot

HaKadosh Baruch Hu shomer aleinu
Az mi yakhol aleinu
Ki ein lanu od medinah
Ta'ase shalom banenu
Shmor al yeladenu
Ki lo avdah ha'emunah

Ohhhhh Am Yisrael Yisrael Chai
Am Yisrael Chai

Ho artzi nechalatenu
Lo tipol ke'et ruchenu
Misaviv barzel shel cherevot
Veyonah tipros knafayim
Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim (200
Od netze lashir barchovot

Ki am hanetzach le'olam lo mefached
Afili kshekashe lirot
Kulam b'yachad af echad po lo boded
Netze lashir barchovot

Am Yisrael Chai
Im lo nishkach tamid lihiyot me'uchadim
Am Yisrael Chai
Be'aliyot beyeridot gam b'sha'ot haki kashot

HaKadosh Baruch Hu shomer aleinu
Az mi yakhol aleinu
Ki ein lanu od medinah
Ta'ase shalom banenu
Shmor al yeladenu
Ki lo avdah ha'emunah

The Nation Of Israel Lives
The sun will shine soon
we'll know better days that these
the heart fights with worry
everyone will return home
we'll wait for them below
hopefully we'll know good news

Because the eternal people never fear
even when it's hard to see
we're all together, no one here is alone
when the wars burns

The nation of Israel lives
if we'll not forget always to be united
the nation of Israel lives
during ascents and during declines, even during the hardest hours
(in the ups and downs and also in the hardest times)

G-d, the blessed one, he watches over us
so who can triumph over us
(so who can defeat us?)
because we have no other land
will make peace amongst ourselves
watch over our children
because we haven't lose our faith

Ho my land is our heritage
our spirits will not fall now
around us, an iron of swords1
and the dove will spread her wings
the hope of two thousand years
we'll go out in the streets to sing again
Because the eternal people never fear
even when it's hard to see
we're all together, no one here is alone
we'll go out in the streets to sing