When reading the Old Testament, many folks feel that God was too harsh in calling Israel to wipe out entire Canaanite villages, all of them, because they were so evil ... but it makes sense, when all of that culture is so corrupted, even the little babies have no chance growing up in innocence, but saturated with evil ... it all makes sense, more and more that God was and is still right, just, and correct. It is His Universe, His Laws, His Rules and when folks are like this - there is only one remedy, sadly. But, God gives folks, cultures, people groups many chances to repent. There is some line that is crossed in which there is no turning back, and will face God's Just Wrath and Judgment ... we've seen this over and over again, throughout history.
Romans 1:18-32 ... (think of Sodom and Gomorrah - Genesis 19)
