The “system” and the institutionalized corruption within can be defeated peacefully, just not all at once. It has to be taken apart in small chunks. A small group of dedicated individuals could start investigating politicians, judges and bureaucrats to uncover and expose the institutionalized corruption everyone knows is there. But these citizen investigators and groups need a structure around which citizen investigations can take place. We have developed such a structure, along with the organization, necessary information, instructions, processes and monetary incentives to get people motivated to do what is right so save America ….. legally! We call this structure ORDCA and anyone with normal intelligence can do it.

When the corrupt politician, judge, or bureaucrat knows you are on the hunt for them, they will be looking over their shoulder. When one of them falls to the “sword” of your relentless pursuit of accountability, the rest will become nervous, knowing that you are dogging their trail and digging deep into their lives and activities.

Now think of the havoc we could unleash if there were 10,000 citizen investigators exposing political corruption. Finally, politicians would begin to fear the people once again and liberty could be just around the corner.

As we have said many times before, freedom and liberty cannot exist if the people and politicians have no honor and corruption is the norm, not the exception. We either expose corruption or in the end it will destroy us. We can do it peacefully and legally, or we could be forced to go to war to preserve liberty.