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5 yrs

Three STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis Have Reached An All-Time High in the U.S. According to the #cdc - Guess Which Demographic Group Has the Highest Incidence?

A total of 2.4 million infections were diagnosed and reported last year alone, according to Elizabeth Torrone, a CDC epidemiologist who worked on the new report.

She added that the combined number marks \"the most cases\" ever recorded since monitoring began in the United States.

Which Demographic Group Has the Highest Rate?

Rates of reported cases tended to be highest among #adolescents and young adults.

Causes Anyone?

The CDC claims it is because of increased screening. To that, I say - B.S.!

How about explicit and perverted sexual ed at younger ages?

How about an educational system that emphasizes that you are the god of your life - your body, your choices (secular humanism)?

How about decreased responsibility for the results of your choices? Abortion (your body - your choice)

How about a media that sexualizes everything, yeah everything?

How about the distribution of condoms freely in high schools which acknowledges approval of sexual experimentation?

I'm sure there are more, but one thing it ain't - increased friggin screening!

Sign of cultural decay, perhaps?

STDs on the rise: Cases of 3 common infections reach all-time highs in the US - CNN

STDs on the rise: Cases of 3 common infections reach all-time highs in the US - CNN

Combined cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis have risen to unprecedented numbers for the fifth consecutive year in the United States, according to a new STD report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.