Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night Everyone. I am here to share some urgent and important news that the Lord has pressed upon my heart to speak with you all. As you know, we are in the last and evil days before Yeshua(Jesus) comes back for His Bride/Church. The following message is something that the Lord wants me to warn you about; should you choice to rebuke the message that is of your own doing. Everything below is directly inspired by the Lord so please head His warning.
America soon will come to desolation and destruction for her sins are many and her deeds against the Lord are great. Because of this, Judgment has been cast upon her and she has been fully given up to the three phases of judgment as described in Romans 1:22-28.
America has been divided amongst herself for many times now and it has only gotten worse as the nation has only become more diverse and departed from one another on every single topic. As we all know a nation divided against itself IS brought to desolation as described in (Mark 3:22-27). Which we know is a sign of how America is lacking her love for the Lord; yet claims she is loyal to Him and exalts herself above all other nations as expressed in Revelations 18:7-8. Be careful not to partake in her iniquities nor to fellowship in her drunken fornications; separate yourselves from her (those whom serve the Most High). Be not apart of this world nor be transformed by it (Romans 12:2-3) but remain focused on Jesus because He is soon coming back (Revelation 22:12-14).
I will not set dates nor hours of His return nor even the Destruction that America will soon face because only the Lord knows the time of both of these events, my job was to warn you all of the impending destruction America would face. If you are skeptical of the message I suggest reading Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18; the whole chapters for confirmation. Ask the Lord for confirmation on whether what I speak is truth or not for those whom are Followers of Jesus. However, for unbelievers I urge you to repent and return back unto your first love. Repent and turn to Jesus because He is calling out to those whom can be saved to those whom He has been trying to speak with. You know whom you are and the Lord loves you so dearly. Please I heavily urge you to repent and turn from your wicked ways. While there is yet time to do so because soon there will become a time when the Grace of Jesus will run out.
However, for unbelievers I urge you to repent and return back unto your first love. Repent and turn to Jesus because He is calling out to those whom can be saved to those whom He has been trying to speak with. You know whom you are and the Lord loves you so dearly. Please I heavily urge you to repent and turn from your wicked ways. While there is yet time to do so because soon there will become a time when the Grace of Jesus will run out. Choose Jesus today; do not delay nor hold back. The sooner you choose Him the sooner you will have Eternal Life. Because without Jesus, you are only guaranteed Eternal Damnation and Hellfire. There is no purgatory! However, the choice is your own to make the best I have done is speak the truth with you.
As always, the following is the Sinner's Prayer for those who wanna give their lives to Jesus THIS day. Whatever is said after this MUST be spoken out loud and with ALL belief in your heart.
You must admit you're a Sinner, that you have sinned and you are guilty of all the sins you have committed and deserve death. That you admit you need Jesus in your Life as your Lord and Savior and that you want Him in your life despite deserving Death and being guilty for living as a sinner. That you want to recognize Him as your Lord and Savior and that you desire for Him to give you a new heart, mind and soul. That you want forgiveness for all the wretched things you have done in your life and to repent for ALL the sins you've committed. That you wanwant forgiveness for all the wretched things you have done in your life and to repent for ALL the sins you've committed. That you want His blood to wash your soul clean of ALL unrighteousness. That you desire for His Holy Spirit to come in and show you what you need to do and to give you understanding and wisdom that you've never had before. And finally that you submit FULLY to His will and what plans He has for your life. Amen.
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