Every Monday night at 9pm EST
Register: www.politicalintercession.com
Are you called to pray for our nation? Are you a political intercessor? Do you have a heart to pray for our nation and for our president? Do you have a passion to see the righteousness of God established in our land? Political intercessors are vital to the birthing of destinies over communities, regions, cities and nations. Sometimes you are on your knees, behind the scenes with no one else watching, but God sees all. Your prayers are powerful and is why we have put this community of vital intercessors together.
What is Political Intercession? Are You Concerned About End-Time Events and How It Will Affect You, Your Family and Our Nation? - We have been having some powerful times of mentoring and prayer strategy sessions on School of Political Intercession that affects our nation, your families and your personal walk with the Lord. Much discussion of end-time events has been incorporated and instruction on how you can be prepared to be a force in these last days and to be politically and spiritually equipped. Join Prophet Reeni every Monday night at 9pm EST tonight to pray, strategize and be mentored in current events and where we are on God’s biblical timeline!
Our nation is in need of prayer and intercession like never before! God promised in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that, "If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." AMP There is an urgency to gather prayer warriors and intercessors together, to pray, intercede, research and come together to deliberate as a team to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. We are looking for serious and dedicated prophetic intercessors and prophetic scribes to team up with Prophet Reeni Mederos to strategize in prayer at least once a week in a private format that will be full of prophetic teaching, insight, research, prophetic strategy and collaboration for the heart of our nation, the nation Israel to bring change to it's inner DNA through the redemptive blood of Christ.
Each week we will gather together by conference call (live or on-demand) to pray for the United States and to pray for the nation of Israel. Intercessors will learn how to work and pray together to strategies and pray according to courts of heaven principles to get things done in the spirit so that they can be manifest on the earth. You will gather information as a team to zero in on the most important things that need attention to prayer. You will work smarter, not harder, incorporating spirit led prayers and intercessions, gathering the most relevant and accurate news sources, discerning by the spirit of God what to pray for and to learn how to not waste time on fake news.
Some can volunteer to be a prophetic scribe to write up-to-date and relevant articles on current events and to be part of our research team and to be added to our websites and social media sites. We are committed to building and maintaining a wall of prayer around our nation and around our president for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
If you are a passionate intercessor, prophetic seer and know how to or want to learn how to pray heavenly courtroom prayers over our nation, we want you! Twelve is the number of government in the Bible as an affordable $12 per month is the required membership fee for this class for individuals and $18 per month for married couples, which is the Hebrew number for life, that is an on-going month to month class and online intercessory gathering. All you have to do is jump in and start interceding with the rest of the class with like minded people who love our nation and love our president. You will also have access for our Facebook groups to help you stay up to date with all our School of Political Intercession happenings along with having access for our FREE ONLINE SPIRITUAL GIFTS TEST.
All sessions and research findings will be archived for unlimited viewing access as long as you are an active member.
See you in the class!