Is Communism Dead? - Part II

If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and
warn the people; Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and
taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall
be upon his own head. Ezekiel 33:3-4

This article is a warning to America of the future war with the former
Soviet Union.

2.The recent history of treaties signed by the former Soviet Union

You don't have to go far back in history to see how the former Soviet
Union deceived the people of Afghanistan. This deception allowed the
Soviets to invade Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. An excellent source of
information about this is a taped interview that Southwest Radio Church
did with Abdul Shams from Afghanistan. It is Tape #c753 and is titled
"Free Afghanistan FDN." This taped interview shows how the former Soviet
Union deceived the Afghanistan people and are deceiving the Americans
today. Afghanistan signed many agreements with the former Soviet Union
just as America is signing today.

Recently, Russia agreed to the Start II treaty with the United States. An
article titled "Clinton Cheers Ratification Of Start II By Russian
Duma"(Note 2) states

"President Clinton on Saturday congratulated new Russian President
Vladimir Putin on the Russian Duma's approval of the Start II treaty
to reduce long-range nuclear arms ... The treaty, dating from 1993
would cut 5,000 warheads from U.S. and Russian arsenals. A follow-up
pact could take out an additional 1,000 to 1,500."

You say what is wrong with this agreement? From two recent articles notice
what the Russians are saying. In an article titled "Bombing Instilled
Urgent Need To Update Russia's Armed Forces" (Note 3) it states

"Once considered a low priority among drastically needed reforms as
Russia emerged from the 70 years of communism, the military is
receiving unaccustomed attention in the Duma and from Prime Minister
Sergei Stepashin in the wake of NATO's action in Yugoslavia...Defense
Ministry sources, citing the Balkan warfare, told the Interfax news
agency on Tuesday that the strike component of the Russian air force
should grow 10 to 20 percent by 2005. To enable modernized bombing
tactics, the ministry said, more than 20 MiG-29 jets will be updated
this year. The update also will affect Sukhoi-27 and MiG-31 fighters.
A new generation of cruise missiles is planned for deployment by 2005,
the ministry said."

In another article titled "Russia's Putin Approves Plans To Update
Military" (Note 4) states

"Acting President Vladimir Putin approved plans to modernize the
Russian military by sharply increasing the purchase of new weapons and
equipment. Putin, who wants to restore Russia as a global power, also,
said the defense budget would be reallocated so more money goes toward
developing high-tech conventional weapons."

The Russian Duma also recently passed a nuclear test ban treaty. But the
articles quoted above clearly indicate that the Russians are not preparing
for peace, but for war.

Note 2: The Oregonian Newspaper, Sunday April 16, 2000
Note 3: The Columbian Newspaper, Friday July 30,1999 page A12
Note 4: The Oregonian Newspaper, 1/28/2000

In future posts I will share more about this topic.