Published by Tina Deville Ridgway · May 14, 2018 ·
An Agenda Driven Media
It has gotten to where one must actively look for media that isn't dripping with the venom and a whacky progressive message. I simply refuse to give up on America. I often get a bit demoralized while my ears are bombarded with the lies of the liberal media many of whom are activists intent on indoctrinating anyone listening with an ideology that does not harmonize with American values.

These wealthy, elite hairdo's who pretend to report news are completely out of touch with the struggles of regular Americans but behave as if they are the voice of the disenfranchised, exploiting their struggles, using them as a weapon against those who refuse to line up with their agenda's by telling the people they label as victims that the dissenters are the ones to blame for their problems.

They behave as if they are saving helpless victims from a system, they tell these people, is stacked against them by evil American's who would have our immigration laws enforced, our judicial system blind and unbiased, people getting what they work for and working for what they get, the news without opinions and lies and speculation, our government to remain a system of check and balances, with three branches of government and a Congress that does something besides worry about the next election and when to pretend outrage.

The agenda driven media have become political hacks and strong voices for socialism. They will twist, attempt to discredit and plain out cover up information that doesn't go along with the narrative they have invented. They have essentially become the catalyst for a fairy tail investigation intended to topple a duly elected American President. An investigation that is based on lies and partisan politics. Not reporting strong evidence that shows that the investigators may have committed far worse crimes than the crimes they are investigating.

Evidence, if reported responsibly, would bear witness to the corruption behind the miscarriage of justice being played out in this investigation into the already debunked Trump/ Russia Collusion.

This vital information is not being given any serious coverage by mainstream media. It is not reported or it is just skimmed over and dismissed as a “nothing burger” because it doesn't fit their rendition of the news. The truth is, the truth makes them look like the lying hacks they are. Have no doubts that what they are aiding and abetting is anything short of treason. This conspiracy to take down our president could not have gone this far without the help of the elite mainstream media.

We get inundated with their rhetoric by the entertainment industry as well. But they are the minority, not us. We just don't get the airtime. The entertainment industry seems to attract Left-leaning, communist minded folks. These are the same people who control a large part of what we hear and see. But even with such significant edge, showering us with half-truths and lies, even with the barrage of attacks laying siege to good sense, telling us that up is down and night is day, Even though they have the platform to daily suffuse the masses with what is a twisted ideology. Even then, a great many of us manage to maintain our equilibrium, our principles and our ability to “do the math.”

It is scary when you realize that the largest portion of information that many people hear and see is propagandized by these agents of sedition. It is enough to make you want to throw up your hands and concede in exhaustion, battle-fatigued because of the seemingly indefatigable onslaught of venom and bile they spew. But If we give up and give in we stand to lose our country for good. There is much at stake.