Psalm 91:4 [The Lord] will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Matthew 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind
Hebrews 12:2 ...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Ephesians 4:16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
May you realize, and rejoice in the fact, that your High Priest is stationed in the heavenlies above all powers or events that would attempt to entangle or prevent Him from carrying out His calling of making intercession for you as your Advocate to the Father. Leviticus 22
May you bring to the Lord the gift of your heart, complete and entire, not missing any parts that are held back for yourself, or with pride of accomplishments and men's testimonies added, simply as you are, understanding that the Father knows you for who you are. Leviticus 22
May you obey the Word of God, following the leading of the Spirit, that both your words and your deeds will acknowledge the Lord as holy, and His name, which you bear, will not be profaned, for He is the One Who has set you apart for Himself and brought you out of the world's system and lifestyle to be your God. Leviticus 22
May you find joy and rest in celebrating the Lord, whether it is when you step apart privately as He draws you to Himself, or on the occasions when you join with others in solemn and sacred assemblies, for these are the Lord's appointed feasts and His holy convocations. Leviticus 23
May you make the Lord the starting point for all you are and all you seek, giving Him the first of your day, your strength, your thoughts, your plans, seeking His wisdom, understanding, and direction by placing Him first in your life in all you do. Leviticus 23
May you show mercy to others in the affairs of your life, giving generously and not grasping greedily, acknowledging that the Lord's unfailing abundance is your source and not your skill or your strength. Leviticus 23
May you wear the world loosely and sharpen your spiritual senses, that through the humbling of repentance of sin and acceptance of the peace of salvation, you may know the direction of your pilgrimage as you more clearly hear the trumpet call of the Spirit's voice in your heart bringing joy and gladness. Leviticus 23
May you endure hardness for the sake of the gospel as you labor in the harvest, knowing the joys of the heart and the comforts of the spirit that will be yours at the in-gathering, that the Lord may have all the glory from any mercy that is completed. Leviticus 23
Do not feel overwhelmed by your perceived shortcomings or faults in the face of your present troubles and trials, My child. My love covers a greater multitude of sins than you can conceive, and I am just, willing to forgive and cleanse you of all you sincerely confess and turn from.
I have already paid the price for you, My little one. Why would I withhold that which is already yours? Come to Me, My love, with all the grime and dust and stains that have accumulated that I may give you the refreshing of My Spirit and the renewing of My love.
Do not be distracted by notions of how to “earn” My acceptance or to “make” Me love you more. Simply run to My arms now and be reconciled, leaving behind those tormenting “bullies,” those thoughts that continually belittle you with lies about yourself, causing you to stop thinking of Me.
I am the One that you are to think on, for I am honest, just, pure, and lovely; where else will you find the Source of good reports, virtue, and praise? Let My peace guard your heart and mind as you put into practice all that you have learned and received and heard from Me, for I will be with you, both now in your present sorrow, and through eternity with joy beyond measure.
May the Lord draw you away to Himself and teach you what you need. Mark 9
May you remember that whenever Jesus spoke of the suffering and pain that was to come for Himself as well as His followers, He always spoke of the overcoming of the enemy and the victory that would emerge from what the eye of man would consider defeat, because the Spirit that is within you will always be greater that the spirit that is in the world. Mark 9
May your desire to be the first and the greatest lead you to press through your pride and serve all in the humility of the Father's love, and in gratitude for the second chances you have been given by His grace. Mark 9
May you accept with fellowship and grace each one who honors the name of Christ in word and deed, for in spite of outward differences or insignificant details, no one who walks in the faith of the Word, bears the fruit of the Spirit, and gives glory to God through the power of Jesus' name can soon, or easily, speak evil of the Lord. Mark 9
May the fire of your trials reveal the glory of God's eternal nature as your carnal nature is consumed, and the savor of grace with the salt of trust be pleasing to the Lord. Mark 9
May you cling to the truth of God's word so that you may receive the promises of His Spirit, for where He directs, He makes a way. Mark 10
May you press into the presence of God, learning the truth of His ways so that you can discern the traditions of men and see more clearly where they have added to, and taken away from, His ways and His will. Mark 10
May you not trust in your skill or strength to bring you victory, but in the Lord, your King and your God, through Whom you push back your enemies, and through Whose name you trample your foes, for He gives you victory over your adversaries, whom He puts to shame. Psalm 44
May you make your boast in God all day long and praise His name forever. Psalm 44
May the Lord's right hand, His arm, and the light of His face drive out the principalities and crush the powers which oppose you so that you may be planted and made to flourish, all because of God's bountiful and limitless love for you, and so that those around you will know the testimonies of the Lord. Psalm 44
May you have the wisdom to know when to hold your tongue, and to speak only what you hear the Father saying, for when words are many, sin is not absent. Proverbs 10:19