The Prayerful Word - March 14

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Daily blessings and prayers from Scripture.

Proverbs 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

Matthew 22:37,38 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.

1 John 4:18 Perfect love drives out fear.

Isaiah 66:13 I will comfort you ... as a mother comforts her child.

Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt make known to me the path of life; in Thy presence is fullness of joy...

Ephesians 1:5 He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will—

May you know that regardless of the means, the object, or the person through which God brings your healing, that it is by trusting the Lord Himself that you have been blessed. Numbers 21

When God brings you into a well-watered land, may you be willing to dig the wells that you require to meet the needs of those whom you serve in the ministry of love, and whose responsibility you carry. Numbers 21

Although you seek no conflict, may you make no compromise with the forces of spiritual evil, for if they resist the will of God which you follow, the Lord will be with you to bring victory. Numbers 21

May you not give heed to or take time for the temptations of the flesh or the pride of life that come your way, but respond immediately with the word of God, never wavering, without entertaining the guests which bring the offer. Numbers 22

My child, it pleases Me to reveal to you the Father, for He has brought you to Me out of the world. You are His, and He has given you to Me so that I may reveal Him to you, for knowing and believing in the Father, and the One He has sent, is eternal life.
You are Mine, to protect, defend, and mature, even as you are His, if you obey His Word. I have finished the work that He gave Me to do, and now I send the Spirit to be with you as you complete the work He gives you.
The struggle you face in doing His work is because of what you have yielded your members to in the past, the selfishnesses that you have walked in when your carnal nature ruled, the immediate gratification you have sought when you knew no greater authority than your own wants and desires.
When you turned to Me in trust and belief, you died to your fleshly nature through My crucifixion, canceling the authority it held over you, a tyrant beyond your ability to overthrow. But I am Lord over all lords, kings, and tyrants, and I am anointed of the Father to declare deliverance to the captives.
As you engraft the Word in your heart and the Spirit brings it to life for you, revealing the truth of your liberty, you come to understand that your former captor has no hold on you, but continues to walk alongside of you, as long as you are in this world, attempting to convince you to return to the former ways, and depending on old habits of thought to regain the previous sense of control.
But as you continue to yield your members to Me in humility and remain poor in spirit, giving up what you feel are your entitlements and rights, you will come to understand that you are, and always have been, under authority to a greater power than your own. As you grasp the fact that I have broken the power of inherited sin that you were under, the life of the Spirit will open up for you to walk in freedom from the oppression of sin and the flesh.
You will find that you are conducting yourself, through the power of the Spirit, as a blameless and innocent child of God, above reproach, and you will come into the kingdom of heaven, knowing the Father Whom I delight in revealing to you, and His comforting love.

May you be blessed for believing that what the Lord has said to you will be accomplished. Luke 1

May it be to you as the Lord has spoken, for you are the Lord's servant. Luke 1

May the Lord, in Whose sight you are highly favored, be with you. Luke 1

May your soul glorify the Lord and your spirit rejoice in God your Savior, for He has been mindful of your humble state as His servant and has done great things for you in His holy name. Luke 1

May His mercy extend to you as it does to those who fear the Lord in every generation. Luke 1

May God have mercy on you as your soul takes refuge in Him under the shadow of His wings until the disaster has passed. Psalm 57

May you cry out to God Most High, Who fulfills His purpose for you, sending from heaven to save you and rebuking those who hotly pursue you, for He sends His love and faithfulness. Psalm 57

Though you are in the midst of lions and lie among ravenous beasts, men whose teeth are spears and arrows and whose tongues are sharp swords, may God be exalted above the heavens and His glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57

Though they spread a net for your feet when you are bowed down in distress, and dig a pit in your path, may your heart be steadfast toward God and your soul awaken with praise in the night toward the Lord, singing and making music to Him, for His enemies will fall into the pit that they have dug for you. Psalm 57

May you praise the Lord among the nations and sing of Him among the peoples, for great is His love, reaching to the heavens, and His faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 57

Through knowledge and discernment from the Lord may you escape the destruction sent from the mouth of your godless neighbor. Proverbs 11:9
