Charity, Health Care and Rights

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Rights never impose on the participation of others.

This article is from November 2018. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

Charity is voluntary. People decide for themselves what they can afford to do for someone else with assets that they earned through their labor.

Where health care is concerned, each state has the power to create whatever they wish. That's why we have a federal republic, and not a democracy. There is nothing anywhere in the law that says that someone in Seattle has to subsidize the health care of someone in Albany. But the people in the State of Washington can create something in their state to take care of their own. Same is true with the people of the State of New York.
I take care of my own insurance. Everyone else has that same responsibility. For many Americans -- to their detriment -- they do not make their personal health care a priority until it is time to use it. They don’t make serious attempts to secure a job that will provide health care or they don’t secure a job that will pay them enough to secure health care. If they can’t get either one, then they need more skills and training. That’s a choice they have to make for themselves. Many do the same thing with retirement. When they're 10 years out from starting to shut things down and retire, all of a sudden, retirement is a priority.
I am the product of a middle class background. I learned how to prepare. I sacrificed "things" all my life to have great health care (taken away by Obama) and to have a great retirement. I am charitable with my good fortune, but I'll be damned if I'm going to be put upon to take care of someone else's private expenses -- and that's exactly what health care is. It is no different than housing, food, and clothing -- and no one is entitled to that. It is up to each individual to determine their needs in all of those areas. If I can sacrifice and prepare for my life's needs, it is possible for anyone to do it.
Some may criticize me for this and accuse me of being selfish. I say the person who ignored their health care needs by not preparing for them (or retirement) was selfish in expecting someone else -- the government that we finance with our tax revenue -- to pick up their slack. The federal government forces charity upon me by using my tax revenue contributions for welfare, food stamps, low-income housing and other socialist programs that citizens of the United States allowed to happen. As far as I’m concerned, my charity is bestowed upon strangers every year through my federal tax dollars.
There is no RIGHT in our Constitution that requires another citizen to participate in that right -- or to give up assets and property for someone to enjoy their rights. That's why health care is not right -- just like a job, housing, food or any other personal material need.