Deja Vu All Over Again

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The haters never stop predicting failure for Trump and America.

This article is from January 2020. It was posted on another platform where I tried to communicate with fellow Patriots, but that platform repeatedly censored me -- without telling me why.  I will be moving all of my Notes from there to here in the coming weeks.

This is about the Cheerleaders for Failure. The crowd that is eyeball-deep in Trump Derangement Syndrome -- Get Trump Because Trump. The emotion and hysterics never wane. How many times have we heard that the stock market will crash, the economy will be destroyed, that we will be embroiled in WW3 with North Korea, WW4 with China over trade and then WW5 with Iran over the targeting and extermination of Soleimani. The drumbeat and banging of pots and pans since 2015 have never stopped.
By now, you would think that the Cheerleaders for Failure would have learned -- but they have a steep learning curve. They are so driven by emotion in their efforts to GET TRUMP and hope for failure by him for anything -- even at the expense of the United States and other countries in the world.
In the past, I used to engage regularly with the haters from other countries -- mostly from the UK, Australia, Canada and other European nations. Their hate for Trump was immeasurable and their emotional investment in that goal and mission forced them to repeatedly jump on topics (just as the media does) in the hopes that the walls are closing in, that this is the beginning of the end, that this will be his final undoing, and yet another bombshell signaling the end for Trump. They jump with glee and parade around for about 24 hours -- only to learn that it wasn’t what they thought.
In the old days of Saturday Night Live and Gilda Radner, we could easily call this an Emily Litella Moment: “Never Mind.”
Trump has proven -- after a full three years in office -- that he is, indeed, a master negotiator and tactician. LIBs often try to conflate Trump’s bombastic style with being ignorant or stupid. In Trump’s case, his style is actually part of his success as a negotiator and tactician. It also took him time to find the right group of advisors who could be trusted. If there was one thing that I did not like about Trump’s time in office, it was his early trust of too many holdovers from Obama and members of the GOPe Mush -- the GOP establishment clowns who hide under their desks and never fight. People like Gary Cohn, who Trump thought was a friend, even betrayed Trump. I knew Cohn was a globalist and wouldn’t abandon that view just because he had been friends with Trump. Eventually, Cohn was fired.
The haters, just like the media, were critical of Trump’s handling of North Korea no matter what Trump did. They wailed and gnashed their teeth when Trump called Kim “Little Rocket Man.” When Trump was nice and offered to meet on the border, the dumbasses wailed and gnashed their teeth again. So you see, it really doesn’t matter what Trump does. Get Trump Because Trump.
In the trade war -- STARTED by China and continuing for years at great expense to the US economy and Main Street -- Trump’s tariff efforts were used to BALANCE our consistent losses in trade. Trump’s efforts were to do what no other leader prior had been willing to do -- look out for US interests and especially on Main Street. But the dumbasses refused to see it that way. When people ignore long-standing facts, there can be no discussion. If they say, “The sky is green,” it is impossible to get past that.
The haters INSISTED that all the tariffs imposed by the US on China were actually being imposed on and paid by US consumers. Under normal circumstances, that scenario could have been true; but Trump had already decoupled Main Street from Wall Street by slashing regulations and giving consumers more money in their paychecks. The haters also didn’t factor in that China needs the US more than the US needs China. The Communist Party of China (CCP) was absorbing all the tariffs and paying for them through reduced prices. In China, the government owns/controls all the factories. So the price of Chinese goods in the US did NOT go up. The prices relatively stayed the same. On top of that, consumers DO NOT pay the import taxes on imported goods through higher prices if they DON’T BUY those imported products. Additionally, US consumers were also avoiding goods imported from China.
On top of all of those facts, the data from the US Department of Commerce showed that there was barely more than 1% inflation in the US economy and that consumers MIGHT be paying only as little as 0.4% more overall for all the goods imported from China. Some products imported from China had actually gone DOWN in price from pre-tariff days. Despite being bombarded with those stats, the dumbasses still insisted that the economy was experiencing a downturn that was not apparent in ANY data anywhere -- not even by the opinion writers who were hoping for Trump’s/America’s failure.
The haters also couldn’t see (or maybe they could and didn’t care) that by hoping for Trump’s/America’s failure, that failure would eventually knock their home country’s economy to its knees in the global economy. It’s no accident that when the US stock market reacts negatively to something that world markets follow suit. The dumbasses were cheering for what would be an unintended consequence that would economically damage them personally -- and Europe is already teetering on the brink of recession.
In the video that follows, Curtis Ellis does an excellent job of explaining Trump’s strategy with China trade. He also destroys the myth that “all tariffs are bad.” This 38-minute video is very informative, but the most important part for me was the destruction of the myth that “all tariffs are bad” -- which I already knew, but now confirmed by a great source: Adam Smith.
Ellis quotes Adam Smith, long thought to be the Father of Free Trade. Ellis outlines three areas where Smith says that tariffs are absolutely necessary (starts at 24:10 of the video). Trump is doing EXACTLY what Smith believes about when tariffs are necessary and good.
The haters, who were so busy referencing free trade in their arguments with me, now didn’t want to hear anything about what Smith had to say about when tariffs were necessary and good. Smith’s view (and mine) completely destroyed their argument.
So the trade war with China that would escalate to a hot war -- WW4 -- didn’t happen either. We escaped that hysteria, didn’t we. Trump was proven correct yet again.
So here we were just 72+ hours ago, when the media thought we were on the verge of WW3; but as I’ve outlined, the conflict with Iran was really going to be WW5.
Trump not only acted lawfully and within his powers as Commander in Chief in dealing with Iran and the taking out of Soleimani, but he avoided war -- for now. Iran fired missiles/rockets/whatever that missed everything other than a few chickens and scared the neighborhood dogs and the camp goat. And after Iran executed that face-saving venture, Trump said, ‘Okay, let’s have peace.’
The haters are wrong again. Deja Vu all over again. The Cheerleaders for Failure understand that they’ve been wrong every step of the way. They understand that they have been caught underestimating Trump and his advisors. They won’t admit it, and they don’t care. Their single solitary focus is Get Trump Because Trump. They will bite down just as hard on the next opportunity when it presents itself. They will never come aboard and give Trump any credit. To do so is blasphemous and would relegate their entire 4-year crusade against Orange Man Bad as meaningless. It’s the same reason why Democrats in Congress keep squalling to the heavens and holding onto impeachment like a puppy that won’t let go of an old sock. Get Trump Because Trump. Gotta get Trump for something. Anything. It’s not only all they’ve got, but it might be all they’ve got left for a long, long time.
Don’t waste your time trying to win hearts and minds of the diehard Cheerleaders for Failure. Their minds and ability to see are gone. Work to save and educate those who want to be educated.