How to choose a face cream

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The condition of the skin, its predisposition to pigmentation, rashes, and rapid aging are all hereditary factors. However, to a large extent, the health of the skin depends on lifestyle and, of course, proper care. The main tool in the daily care of skin health is a cream. And the first t

Why does your skin need a good cream?

The need for systematic cosmetic care does not appear with the first wrinkles, but at a young age. Already during puberty, skin problems appear that cannot be ignored, and skin needs to be helped to keep it smooth, beautiful and healthy. Face best vitamin k cream is the mandatory minimum that should be part of daily care, starting at the age of 14-15 and throughout life. The only thing that can change in this constant is the properties and composition of the cosmetic product depending on the age of the girl, on the type and individual characteristics of the skin.

Properly selected face cream helps in solving such problems:

moisturizing - saturation with moisture and maintaining water balance, which will preserve the elasticity of the skin, prolong the youthfulness of the skin;
nutrition - delivery to the cells of the epidermis of valuable nutritional components, amino acids, minerals, vitamins necessary for cell regeneration, maintaining youthfulness and beauty of the skin;
protection - the creation of a protective barrier from various environmental factors that can adversely affect the condition of the skin (from ultraviolet radiation, bacteria, dust), as well as from stress, etc .;
slowing down the mechanisms of skin aging, reducing fine wrinkles due to saturation with elastin, collagen, and other active substances;
equalization of tone and smoothing of the skin;
soothing effect - removal of inflammation, irritation.

How to choose the right face cream? Main selection criteria

When choosing a cream, the following criteria play a decisive role:

skin type;
the appointment of a cosmetic product;
age threshold;
cream composition;
the degree of skin sensitivity;
shelf life;
type and quality of packaging.
Let's figure out how to choose a face cream according to these criteria.


Choose by skin type

Skin type is a fundamental criterion when choosing cosmetics, in particular face cream. Classification of creams by skin type:

For normal skin, i.e. healthy, elastic, without imperfections and signs of aging (wrinkles, age spots, irritation, enlarged pores, discomfort).
For oily skin. This type is determined by such signs as the density of the skin, oily sheen, enlarged pores, in which blackheads and comedones often form.
For dry skin. Dry skin becomes a problem with age. The inability to retain moisture leads to its thinning, rapid aging, and the appearance of wrinkles.
For combination skin. This type is characterized by a combination of dry or normal skin on the face with areas of oily skin on the forehead, chin, and around the nose.
Normal skin is quite well hydrated, so light moisturizers are suitable for it, and for day care, moisturizers with SPF protection.

Oily skin needs products containing sebum-regulating components. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to gel quickly absorbed creams, and creams with a matting effect are also suitable for daytime use.

Dry skin needs good hydration and protection from rapid moisture loss. This effect is provided by glycerin and hyaluronic acid.

Combination skin requires the most attention. To care for it, you need to use 2 products for different skin types or special creams with a specially designed balanced composition.


By appointment

There are 2 types of creams by appointment. This is:

There are, of course, universal remedies, but in most cases you need to buy creams for different purposes, since they differ in composition, consistency, and have different effects. For example, day creams are lighter, absorb well, and are great for use as a makeup base. In addition, they may contain SPF filters to protect the skin from photoaging. Night creams contain active substances that, on the contrary, in combination with UV can harm the skin. Night means have a denser structure and are absorbed longer. They should only be applied at night. It is during the night's rest that active cell regeneration occurs.

Age category

At different ages, the needs of the skin are different. So, young skin needs only moisturizing and protection. By the age of 30, there is a need for an additional supply of collagen in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prolong the youthfulness of the skin. After 40, the requirements for the cream increase, since at this age you already have to actively deal with age-related changes. Women after 40 are recommended to use face creams containing elastin, collagen, and other active ingredients that have 

lifting effect.



How to choose a face cream by composition? The characteristics of the cream, its action is determined by those components that are first in the list of ingredients on the packaging of the cosmetic product.

In moisturizers, these will be water, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, urea, collagen, elastin, lactic acid.
In regenerating - lanolin acid, panthenol, extracts of medicinal plants (aloe vera, centella asiatica, etc.), lecithin, ceramides.
The anti-aging face cream contains a complex of vitamins (A, C, E), retinol, peptides, coenzyme Q10, DMAE, collagen, amino acids.
In cosmetics for problem skin - azelaic and salicylic acids, triclosan, AHA acids, zinc, retinoids, sulfur, copper, clay.
Skin sensitivity
Owners of sensitive skin need to be very careful when choosing cosmetics for the face. Even one inappropriate component in the composition of the cream can cause a negative reaction - itching, irritation, rashes. To avoid such problems, you must:

avoid cheap cosmetics;
buy products of proven brands with a hypoallergenic composition;
Before use, be sure to test the product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to exclude an allergic reaction.
Expiration dates
How to choose a good face cream? First, you need to understand for yourself that face creams also have an expiration date.

Secondly, you can not buy not only expired funds, but also those whose shelf life is coming to an end. Why? Because you cannot know if the rules for storing cosmetic products have been followed, and as a result, you can spend money on cosmetics that have already become unusable.


The purchased cream must be properly stored and used. Bacteria and dust particles from the external environment must not be allowed to enter the cosmetics. More economical and hygienic is packaging in the form of a tube or jar with a dispenser. In such a container, contact of the product with the skin and the external environment is excluded, as when using a cream in a jar. If, nevertheless, you have chosen a product in a jar, then you need to take it from the container not with your fingers, but with a special spatula so as not to bring bacteria.


Which cream is better to choose?

Before buying a cream, it is advisable to consult a beautician. It will help determine the correct type and other individual characteristics of the skin, determine the range of priority care tasks, starting from which you will understand how to choose the right face cream.

The next difficult stage of the choice is to decide which cosmetics manufacturer to give preference to. If you rely on the practice of professional cosmetologists, then many use the products of Israeli brands in their work. Cosmetics made in Israel are known for their natural composition, high quality and proven effectiveness, and Israeli creams consistently occupy a leading position in the TOP of the best face care products.

