5 Tips and Tricks for Choosing an Application Name That Controls Downloads!

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Finding a name for your application is a crucial moment in the development of your application.

It will be difficult to change once your application is launched, it could become a well-known brand and it will generally be the first impression that users will have of your App.

The 5 Tricks and Tips to Choose the Name of your App That Generates Many Downloads.

1. Choose Carefully the Name of your Application.

Your app's name should be relevant and consistent with your content, to make sure you don't confuse users about your app's content.

If you have strong brand awareness (a name that everyone already knows), it makes sense to use branding to name your app.

For example, the “Uber”, “Netflix” or “Instagram” apps use their brand name as they are extremely famous.

People will know what to expect by seeing the title and will naturally type their names in the search box if they want to download these apps.

However, if you are launching an application that does not enjoy existing brand recognition, such as a new game, you should think carefully about what it will be called.

This is where a lot of competitor analysis and keyword research comes in, in order to determine which keywords to use.

2. Decide if you want to add keywords to the title.

Here, we make the distinction between the application name and the application title.

The application name is the brand of your application. The application title is the full title of the application that appears in the application stores, which can be up to 30 characters in Apple or 50 characters in Google Play.

There is an old debate between people who recommend keeping only one brand and those who think it is better to add keywords to the title as well.

If you look at the most popular applications, you will see that some of them, like Spotify, add keywords.

Others, like Netflix, have not considered the issue or have consciously decided not to add anything to their brand.

As we know, both Spotify and Netflix have a strong brand.

Netflix has nothing else in the title of its app, while Spotify has added "Music and Podcasts."

NOTE: If your App is not a brand, you can use the main keyword and add related keywords in the title.

Look at the following example:

3. Consider the Length and Optimize your Keywords.

If you publish an application today in the App Store, you will only have 30 characters to write the title.

That doesn't give you a lot of freedom with the keywords you chose!

By doing proper keyword research and analysis, you can ensure that you are using the most relevant and interesting keywords in your App title.

4. Locate the Name in your Target Markets.

Ideally, you should fully localize your entire application each time you publish a version in a country with a different language.

This will make the user experience that much better!

Imagine you are a user in Germany and you are looking at a fitness tracker app, you do your first run and the app counts your progress in miles instead of kilometers, that translates into just a bad user experience.

However, locating at least the name is a good start.

This makes the app more relevant to local users when browsing/searching for apps and increases the likelihood that they will download yours.

You can keep your brand name if it is a well-known brand and optimize your keywords, or just write everything in the local language.


5. Beware of competing brands.

It can be tempting to use words that are already deeply ingrained in users' minds as they are used in very popular applications, such as “WhatsApp” (statuses for WhatsApp), “Facebook” (Phrases for Facebook or Images for Facebook).

However, it is important to stay authentic and not steal the ideas of others: algorithms do not like applications that all sound the same and it will cost them more to see the value of your application.

In addition to that, you should never use a competitor's trademark name in your App title.

If you search for "Status for WhatsApp" on Google Play, you get a lot of similar sound apps.

None of these apps really stand out apart from using a trademark name!

In summary: How to Correctly Choose the Name for your App!

In summary, here are our tips for choosing a great app title:

  • Find a brand that speaks to users
  • buy app store reviews from a reputable provider
  • Add keywords behind the name of that brand to form the title of your application
  • Make sure those keywords are optimized and that you are taking advantage of all the character space allowed by Apple (same as in Google Play)
  • Locate the title for the main markets in which your application is published
  • Be careful not to copy the competition too much.

We hope this helps you get started launching your app!

Feel free to contact us if you have questions below in the comments.

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