Beware of the Gospel Coalition

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What The Gospel Coalition really represents...

Although the name sounds good on paper, The Gospel Coalition is slipping farther and farther away from true Christianity.

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a loosely formed fellowship of evangelical churches founded by Tim Keller and D.A. Carson. The Coalition includes member churches from various denominations and provides resource materials, including books, videos, and bible study guides. Unfortunately, an organization that may once have started with the best intentions has now lost its way... by promoting the Social Gospel, endorsement of Roman Catholicism, and other flagrantly unbiblical teachings.

Wrong-Headed Promotion of the Social (Justice) Gospel

The Gospel Coalition is a promoter of Social Gospel virtue-signaling to churches worldwide. The social Gospel embraces “woke” concepts like critical race theory, environmentalism, social justice, acceptance of homosexuality as normal, mysticism, open borders, and religious unity. It appeals to people’s feelings of narcissistic self-entitlement and their misplaced “love of others”. Essentially, they promote the world’s values rather than the absolute truth of Scripture.

Two prominent false teachers on the TGC council with TGC include Russell Moore and David Platt.

The Social Gospel is nothing more than a gospel of works to earn righteousness. The Social Gospel is not the Gospel according to Jesus Christ. It is a counterfeit version that reeks of socialism. Why? Because most social gospel teachers leave out the part about the need to repent and turn away from sin.

In the end, one’s degree of “wokeness” has nothing to do with their salvation.

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Unity with Roman Catholicism

Tim Keller and TGC have sought common ground with the Roman Catholic Church. Keller has promoted the works of Roman Catholic mystic Peter Kreeft who endorses praying to Catholic saints and devotion to Mary.

The Roman Catholic Church denies the fundamental doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ and nothing else. Roman Catholicism is a form of counterfeit Christianity that has misled many by teaching that works are required as well as faith.

In the last few years, Roman Catholic Church has been actively working to cross doctrinal and denominational lines in the name of unity. Unity is code for establishing a One World Religion under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church. Supporters of this movement say, “We all worship the same God; why don’t we just go ahead and drop denominational barriers, and all come together for the sake of unity and love?” This is a seductive message… one that is hard to disagree with, but it is not Biblical.

Where They Go Wrong

If you read its foundation documents page on its website, the Gospel Coalition appears to be a biblical, doctrinally sound organization. The problem is that they have taken up social change as the primary purpose of the Gospel. Once held in high regard as a theologian, Keller has gone off the rails, teaching false theology by maintaining that the Gospel must include works. He teaches that God used evolution as his creation method and that the biblical account of creation is not literal. Keller also endorses the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”... a second experience apart from the moment of salvation where one supposedly receives the apostolic sign gifts, such as tongues and healing... that is nowhere supported by Scripture.

6 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the Gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, so I say again now if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! (Galatians 1:6-9 NASB)

TCG also endorses Jackie Hill Perry’s books and articles on their website. Perry promotes the cult of the Evangelical Sexual Revolution and the blasphemy of Bethel Church. She is an open lesbian. Jackie Hill Perry is a false teacher spreading a false gospel while hiding behind the facade of Christian jargon.

The Gospel Coalition has been infected with worldly influence. One need look no further than its best movies of 2021 list on their website. It is filled with R-rated films that feature references to underage sex, pro-abortion propaganda, and blasphemy of the name of Christ...

Beware of any materials and teachers associated with The Gospel Coalition that substitute man’s opinions for God’s truth...

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