James 1:2-3 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.“

A Kenyan brother Prophet Lovy Elias prophesied about what is to happen this upcoming month, October 2022, not only for America but also for the world…


“The first thing, I want every believer to pray for October, this coming October. The month of October will be a very strange month especially for America, and the world will be shaken. This October, we need to sincerely and seriously pray. I haven't been given too much freedom to say about it, but it will be a thing that will shake our nations seriously. 


The second thing, God is drawing a line on this in the sand. God is going to make a big distinction between His anointed and those who are playing or pretending to be His anointed, not because the level of persecution will increase, but there is a greater hunger for the word of God that is being released into the world.


So many people will have so many questions, so many people will be suffering and people look for help. But only those whom the Finger of God is upon, those who have been anointed by God, will carry the next wave of the power of God in this nation (USA). A lot of the men of God that were known that played Church, their congregation is about to drop. And they will go into small cities to seek the hand of God because a hunger of the word of God is coming. 


And this is an advice to men and women of God that are in church to go back to your first love or else God is going to take His sheep from you. Because God in His heart is grieved, because His sheep are being malnutritioned before His great coming. He wants to come and find a sheep, a flock that is perfect and your duty is to perfect His body before He comes. But you have not fed them correctly, God will take those who are small and make them great, and the great are going to become small! 


It is a warning, go back to seeking God, go back to the place of fasting, go back to the place of praying, go back to the place of the hunger of God. Don't play Church, don't just do things because it's beautiful; I have a good congregation, I have beautiful people surrounding me! Look how big my church is! I'll be the first one to tell you I don't care if there are a thousand people or one person, my faithfulness in serving God has never changed, that is how God wants us to be. If anything I am seeking how more I can serve God even greater to do what I did in the past. The greatness of a man or woman of God is not known by how many sheep you have. It is known by the Integrity in which you carry the sheep, how you change them and bring them to the knowledge of Christ that they can go out and win more for Jesus. If your flock is just sitting in the church, saying ‘yes, preach Pastor!’ God is about to take His sheep from you.


Father I thank you in the name of your Son Jesus whom You sent on Earth to die for us, so that we can be partakers of the inheritance that You put in Him. Your word says that we are co-heirs with Christ and that came through His death and Resurrection. Lord, You called me not because I was great, not because I was perfect, but Your grace selected me… that we can minister what you have given to us even the small measure we have for Nations and for your people to be saved. 


Lord, I pray that every single man, woman, and child that is watching this video now that this prayer has risen to You. Let anyone that will hear my voice use it as a conduit to carry Your spirit, Your gifts that You deposited in us also into them so that their families, their churches, their communities may be saved unto Your glory. 


Father, we pray that You will glorify Your Son Jesus through each and every one of them. Father, cause them to see Visions, cause them to hear Your voice, cause them to have open Visions, closed Visions. If You could give it to evil men who had never prayed, who never sought You, You spoke to Cain after murdering his brother, how much more for us to love You who are walking after You, who are chasing after You.


Father, this is our inheritance, yes give it to Your people. I pray, Lord, give it to Your people according to Your Sovereign Grace and Mercy, in Jesus name, Amen Amen Amen!”
