Fanxia Tianjiao Witch

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What was more terrible was that someone really committed suicide to show that he was really signing for all mankind.

The orb was also infected with an evil spirit, and on the other hand, because she had little experience in the world, people were very single, and she thought she had come up with this idea. Can be "the best of both worlds", both without losing to the Elder Martial Brother, and "Rao Yun Ziyan did not die three times", can also be saved without losing to Yun Ziyan Yeah. Cloud purple smoke listened, do not know whether to laugh or cry. "Ma Daha," said Samurai Dun, "are you serving in the imperial guards of the Jin? What grade of military officer is it? Ma Daha said, "Wupin is a bodyguard with a knife. Why do you ask this?" Samurai Dun said with a sneer, "I think you should know this Tan Beizi. He is the Beizi of your Jin Kingdom. He can succeed the prince." Bit. He is now with the chivalrous way of the Han people to fight against the tyranny of the Jin. To distinguish between right and wrong, only know Foolish loyalty and filial piety can only be said to be muddleheaded. "Everyone has his own ambition," said Ma Daha. "He is him, and I am me. Master Wu, if you are afraid of my revenge, why don't you kill me now Late! Bushidun originally wanted to do his last effort to persuade him, but when he saw that he was unrepentant, he did not feel angry in his heart. "Hum" one, say: "Well, I do a thing with someone, also be to beg the place of the heart to be at ease. You can kill me in the future, or you won't. I don't care about it, either. Since I have saved your life, I must not embarrass you. You are gone. "Thank you very much,shuttle rack system," said Ma Daha. After Shangguan Baozhu took the antidote, her power was restored, so she joined hands with Ma Daha Peer, help Ma Daha. "Wait a minute, Ma Daha," said Yun Ziyan. "I'm afraid there's one thing you don't know." Ma Daha did not stop. "What's the matter?" He answered? Please speak "Do you know how your father died?" Asked Yun Ziyan. "I wasn't there that day," said Ma Daha, "but I knew it was Master Wu who killed him. You ask me like this, do you still want to be for you? Brother Wu can't deny it? Just as Yun Ziyan was about to speak,mobile racking systems, Bushidun was very upset and said, "Yes, I killed him.". I'll wait for your revenge. Go ahead! Sister Yun, you don't have to say more. Yun Ziyan was stunned, as if he wanted to say something, but he held back. Ma Daha said in a loud voice, "Thank you, Master Wu, for letting me go. I will repay you with great virtue in my lifetime." His work has two meanings. Think, the so-called "must repay the virtue", in fact, is an irony, that is, to avenge the meaning of the father. But after his revenge, he has decided He cut his own throat to repay Bushidun for saving him today, so it can also be interpreted as a positive word. The two meanings he said are actually. Is to repeat what he just said. Bushidun, of course, heard the meaning of his words, drive in racking system ,heavy duty rack manufacturers, smiled coldly, and let him go. Yun Ziyan suddenly remembered something and shouted, "Wait a minute!" Ma Daha looked back proudly and said, "You regret it, don't you?" Yes? Yes, you'd better kill me! Yun Zi Yan Liu frowned and said, "Don't be suspicious. Who wants to kill you?"? I have one thing to tell Miss Shangguan. "What's the matter?" Asked Shangguan Baozhu. In Shangguan Baozhu's mind, she had hit Yun Ziyan with a poisonous needle, and Yun Ziyan was against her. Must not like, this time to save her, in her view, is also ulterior motives. She really didn't understand why Yun Ziyan cared about her. And except Besides this matter, she could not think of anything else that had anything to do with Yun Ziyan. Cloud purple flue, "do you know your father-" Shangguan Baozhu is surprised, do not wait for her to finish the words, and asked. "What are you talking about, my father?" He asked. "Yes," said Yun Ziyan, "your father, Qingling Yu, was killed by his younger brother Taiyi. Before dying, Zeng Tuoliu Nvxia Liu Qingyao sent a message to your mother and asked her to take care of you. I hope you will be careful to make good friends and not go astray. Shangguan Baozhu's face suddenly changed and she said, "What Qinglingzi?"? I've never heard that name before. Where did it come from? A dad? I'm not a child anymore. Who should take care of me? This time it was Yun Ziyan's turn to be shocked. She knew that there must be something hidden in it. Maybe Shangguan Zizhu really didn't know Qingling. So her father, otherwise there is no reason for her daughter not to recognize her father, but Yun Ziyan is inconvenient to inquire about other people's privacy. Ma Daha sneered, "Be careful to make good friends."? Don't go astray? Hey, hey, that means you made friends with the bad guys by mistake, and I led you to them. Go astray! Shangguan Baozhu said hurriedly, "I don't mean that. I don't care what others say. Brother Ma, don't be oversensitive." Ma Daha at this time has recovered a bit of skill, Shangguan Baozhu and he hand in hand, to help him, two people display flying skills, urgent! Walk away. Wulin Tianjiao shook his head and said, "Ma is unrepentant. Thanks to you, you have a lot of energy to persuade him." "Brother Wu," said Yun Ziyan, "why don't you allow me to tell the truth about Zhu Danhe's death?" It turned out that Zhu Danhe (the Chinese name of Ma Daha's father) was captured by Bushidun in the battle of Shouyang Mountain that day, but he was not. Died at the hands of Bushidon. At that time, Zhu Danhe was captured by Bushidun, but he was slightly injured and would not have died. But in the dispute of the Beggars' Sect, It was because Gongsun Qi wanted to usurp the position of the Sect Leader. Gongsun Qi colluded with Zhu Danhe, Feng Huolong (Brother Dun) and others. Want to frame Bushidun, good make GongSunQi succession to the position of the gang leader. When Gongsun Qi saw that Zhu Danhe had been captured, he was afraid that he would make peace with his good plans. Hold out, is to take advantage of the chaos, hit Zhu Danhe a palm. Zhu Danhe was too old and weak to resist the poison, so he died. Yes. So Zhu Danhe really died under Gongsun Qi's poisonous palm. Just inch cloud purple smoke this rice wants to explain the truth, but Bushidun actually does not allow her to say. Cloud purple smoke inexplicable, so to please samurai Dun explained. Samurai Dun said, "Since Ma Daha insists it's me, how can he believe what we say?"? Besides, Zhu Danhe is guilty of great evil. Extremely, originally is to die, but should not kill him by GongSunQi. Ma Daha is obstinate and determined to go astray. Then let him go. Yun Ziyan sighed,shuttle rack system, "It's just a pity that Shangguan Baozhu.". At first I thought she was a ruthless witch, but now it seems that she is a ruthless witch. But she was an unsophisticated girl, and it was a pity that no one took her to the right path.
