TOP 8 ways to find employees

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Previously, in order to find employees, it was necessary to advertise in a couple of newspapers or paste them on special boards. Now newspapers have been replaced by smartphones: people use them to open personal pages, post resumes, view vacancies. Where exactly do potential employees live

Let's also remember the old, but effective methods: recommendations, labor exchanges, universities, as well as a couple of modern recruitment methods. So, read the top 8 ways to find employees. If you are interested in marketing account intelligence software, please follow the link to learn more.

1. Recruitment sites

Recruiting websites are one of the most popular places to search for personnel and work. It is easy to place a vacancy on them and wait for responses. You can also view resumes and invite to work. According to, 90% of job seekers are looking for a job on the Internet. Interesting fact! According to the international site Glassdoor, on average, vacancies in a large company attract about 250 job seekers. However, only four or six of them will be invited for an interview.

2. Social networks

In social networks, you can find blogs, personal pages of specialists who are looking for work. There are also special groups, communities where vacancies and resumes are published. For example, the recruitment agency RC Studio uses three social networks to search for candidates:  Facebook, LinkedIn. They are looking for young workers, students, and on Facebook and LinkedIn - specialists, managers. RC Studio consultants shared their experience. They advise you to create a presentable page (without photos of cats and memes) and work on social networks regularly: view groups, search for candidates using search filters. 

3. Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies have their own databases. They also independently look for candidates for the tasks of clients. In agencies you can order: mass recruiting, when you need to hire a large number of personnel in a short time; exclusive search (Executive Search), when you need executive staff or a unique specialist. As a rule, the services of recruitment agencies are expensive. But they justify themselves, because there are only experienced recruiters who can assess the personal and professional characteristics of candidates, work with large streams, etc. If, however, this method is too expensive for you, you can contact a freelance recruiter. Such specialists work for themselves, so you do not have to overpay for the entire team. And the result you will get is not worse if you select a good specialist. To find one, look at reviews and cases of a freelancer. To learn more about reverse address directory free, follow the link.

4. Headhunting

We warn you right away: for this, the recruiter must be experienced, and the company must have a good reputation and working conditions. Headhunting is the attraction, luring of specialists from another organization to your own. The method is based on the fact that high-level professionals do not look for work themselves, and often do not even think about changing jobs. Therefore, when you need the best specialist, it makes sense to lure him from another company. To do this, the recruiter must be able to convince: unobtrusively talk about the benefits of the company, working conditions, etc. Do not be discouraged if you did not manage to lure an employee right away. Some just don't like change (or there are other personal reasons for not changing jobs). Note! According to a study by the State of the American Workplace Gallup, 35% of US employees are ready to move to another job, if they offer flexible employment conditions (partial remote work). 51% of staff would change jobs for a flexible schedule. 50% of workers will move to another job for a larger pension.

5. Referral recruiting

Let's take an example of what it is. HR Director is looking for a specialist in the Purchasing Department. He sent out a vacancy announcement to the company's employees and asked them to propose a candidate. For those who bring a person, the director promised a bonus. Six employees responded, they brought their acquaintances for an interview. The recruiter conducted an interview and chose the most suitable candidate among them. This is not a device for work "by pull". Employees simply advise acquaintances, and the employer already chooses among them by conducting an interview. It will take 5 minutes to send an announcement to the staff of the organization. But you can find good specialists. Don't forget to offer employees a small bonus or other bonus to motivate them to help. Interesting fact! According to John Wrighthouse, Head of Training and Development at the Nationwide Building Society,

6. Personnel reserve

This is also called future selection (that is, the formation of a database of candidates for unforeseen cases). This is especially important if the organization has: high turnover; there is a risk that a workplace will soon be vacant; There are rumors about an employee being fired. Don't neglect future recruiting: when you urgently need a worker, you will already have a base. From it, you will quickly select new employees and will not suffer losses due to the lack of specialists. Another option is to train your own employees. For example: promotion; retraining for a new position with different responsibilities; expanding the functionality of employees; combination of two jobs. If you have another direction opening, think before hiring employees. Perhaps one of your specialists will be able to take on additional responsibilities. For example, often in digital agencies, one person is involved in website design, layout and programming. And in Korean hotels, one employee can clean the rooms, serve breakfast and sit at the reception.

7. Contacts with universities

Often university graduates become a fresh breath in companies: they bring new ideas, show initiative, and also they are active and take on a lot. Large companies understand this, so they hold special events at universities and invite students to practice. Here, recruiters need to be able to evaluate candidates not by past work experience (if only because students do not have it), but by looking at personal characteristics: responsibility, initiative, ability to plan, and more. Note! Grades and a red diploma are far from an indicator of a good specialist. Look wider. Let's give you a hint. Arrange with the university to attend the defense of diplomas. So you can evaluate the candidates “in action”: how competently they answer questions, how they hold themselves when speaking and cope with stress. Interesting fact!

8. Job exchanges

The state is interested in increasing the level of employment of citizens, therefore it creates services with its own databases. They work with big companies. For example, you can let them know about an open position so that they send suitable personnel to you. But here there are minuses: Not all people address in the state structures. There is a risk of not finding a good specialist. Sometimes uninterested persons come to interviews from labor exchanges for the sake of a tick, because they are at the labor exchange to receive unemployment benefits. Labor exchanges are engaged in vocational training. That is, you can get an employee who has just been trained, he has fresh knowledge and skills.
