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Many programmers want to start developing applications for Android. But few know what steps should be taken here.

What to do with app ideas if you're not a developer?

You may be looking for developers on your team to implement the application. If you have the money and can pay a developer or firm ( ), then everything is simple and straightforward. Next, we'll talk about what to do if you don't have enough money to pay someone.

Realize that your idea may not be unique, and development requires significant effort.

Draw your application design (look and feel). It can be rough and drawn on paper. But it should be specific enough, not vague.
List your idea-related skills.
Make a list of what you put into your idea.

Understand that development requires significant effort. Imagine a developer working full time (8 hours) for 2 months to build your application. And you also work full time. What are you doing at this time? If your work, in your opinion, ends earlier, then you need to reconsider the idea. In this scenario, the developer does most of the work and you are honestly useless. What you can give after the application is finished doesn't really matter and will not motivate the developer to complete the product.

Redefining your idea
If the developer is doing more work than you are, you need to rethink the idea to distribute work more equitably. This will benefit from collaboration. Take a look at your list of skills and think about how you can apply them. It's okay if the app differs from the original idea. Revise it until the amount of your work and that of a developer is at least equal.

Distribute work as fairly as possible.
Focus on your skills first.
Your download should be approximately equal to 2 months of full-time work. For simple applications, the load can of course be less. You can ask the community to help you estimate the effort.

Depending on which application you want to end up with, you may or may not be ready now. You can present your idea and get feedback.

Imagine everything. Don't worry about the idea being stolen. Since the idea is now tied to your skills, and the distribution of work is fairer, it is more profitable for the developer to work with you instead of doing everything himself. Use pictures and diagrams where appropriate to describe the idea. Watch out for important details or what you think is a secret advantage. Most likely, it is not, and suppression of these details will make the idea vague and not convincing enough.
What will you invest? It is very important to indicate this.

What kind of relationship are you looking for? Share? Will you pay the developer? With equity participation, you need to accept the fact that the developer can change the application and you need to work together on what you both want. You are not alone in having a vision of which direction is best.

You may need to rethink your idea and make changes. And repeat this many times.

