Genshin Impact Windblume character locations

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Genshin Impact 3.5 update is underway and players make significant progress

Genshin Impact accounts 3.5 updates are underway and players make significant progress. Mondstadt’s annual festival has additionally commenced. A lesser-known aspect of the update is Genshin Impact Windblume character locations.

genish impact

Venti, Klee, and Mika are particularly difficult to find. This guide can help players keep a tab of all of the characters’ locations throughout the event.

Genshin Impact Windblume characters

With the big event, the travelers will need to complete three quests that can help them gain free Primogems. At the same time, it will also help them unlock the locations of numerous characters. These quests are:

A Gathering of Outlanders

A Riddle Amidst the Crowds

Joy Above the Clouds

After the 3 quests are completed, the ultimate location of every character is going to be revealed. Here are the next characters that are going to be attending the Genshin Impact Windblume Event.


Timaeus and Ying’er


Mona and Klee


Amber, Collei, Eula, and Sucrose

Tighnari and Mika

Candace and Setaria


Where to locate characters within the Genshin Impact event?


Players are going to be able to locate Venti sitting at a table outside Angel’s Share tavern. Travelers may also be able to participate in a conversation with him.

Timaeus and Ying’er

Travelers are going to be able to meet Timaeus and Ying’er close to the Mondstadt alchemy station, near the Crafting Bench. Travelers are going to be able to individually speak with Timaeus about alchemy.

Amber, Sucrose, Eula, and Collei

The number of four is very hard to miss and may be spotted around the Knights of Favonious Headquarters.


Albedo is available sitting on the 2nd floor from the Good Hunter Inn. He talks a great deal about Cyno’s Genius Invokation TCG. He can be unlocked after players have spoken with Amber’s gang.


Travelers are going to be able to locate Cyno at a table next to the Cat’s Tail tavern. Cyano challenges players to some card game. Whether they wish to accept it or otherwise is totally as much as the players.

Mona and Klee

Travelers are going to be able to locate Mona and Klee near Starfell Lake. Their precise location is near the Statue of the Seven.

Tighnari and Mika

Tighnari and Mika are available at the North from the Dawn Winery’s Statue from the Seven. Travelers will need to be careful of the Pyro slime that's found near both of these. However, it doesn’t create a great deal of trouble.

Candace and Setaria

Travelers are going to be able to locate Candace and Setaria close to the Aaru Village, through the wooden elevator.

Check out all the details related to genshin impact accounts and also the updates here.
