Elden Ring Best Colossal Weapons Tier List 2023

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Highest Damage Colossal Weapons in Elden Ring 1.08

In this Elden Ring Highest Damager Weapon Tier List, we're taking a look at a specific pairing of colossal weapons and colossal swords.

Elden Ring Best Colossal Weapons Tier List 2023

Colossal Weapons in Elden Ring are incredibly large and powerful weapons that players can wield hanging around. These Elden Ring weapons in many cases are slower than other weapons but possess a higher damage output and may stagger or knock down enemies. Colossal Weapons in Elden Ring are available in various forms, including greatswords, hammers, spears, and much more. They can be found throughout the game world, and players can acquire them by defeating powerful enemies, exploring hidden areas, or completing quests.

Using Colossal Weapons in Elden Ring takes a certain quantity of strength and dexterity, as they in many cases are too heavy for lower-level characters to wield effectively. However, as players level up and increase their stats, they are able to become more proficient with one of these weapons and unleash devastating attacks on their enemies. Overall, Colossal Weapons in Elden Ring Items really are a unique and exciting feature that contributes an extra layer of depth and technique to the game's combat system. Players who enjoy using heavy weapons or crushing their enemies having a single blow will certainly want to try them out. Players can buy cheap elden ring items from a trustworthy shop like MMOWTS to gain access to powerful new abilities and strategies.

Elden Ring Items

14 - Troll's Hammer (C Tier)

This is a very interesting weapon, it is the kind of one that has built-in fire damage however, you can still buff up with weapon buffs that are completely unique for the whole game, and that means you can create an extremely effective build by using it. It's just a niche-specific build, using its moveset you aren't going to begin to see the outrageous performance in PVP, however in PVE you can observe some real benefits there, particularly when fully buffed up juicing the fire damage and taking advantage of the Troll's Roar itself, you will get very good AR with this particular thing and output with this.

13 - Staff from the Avatar (C Tier)

This may be the weapon that you simply actually have to handle the big bonking hammer thing once the avatars are facing you and also jumping and butt slamming and so forth. The problem is our version of the is just so Bland, the AR is likely to be great but it's ultimately only a colossal weapon having a colossal Hammer moveset there are basically better choices for that. Its Ash of war is very unique also it was buffed pretty aggressively having you butt bounce since actually works it will good damage and you will just spam it say in PVE, but it is not really likely to shine or perhaps be that good anywhere also it's a type of why you probably never view it. It deserves acknowledgment since the AI you will get with this thing is nice as a colossal weapon, but it is just not that exciting. So ensure that it stays down in the C tier.

12 - Rotten Greataxe (C Tier)

This is one of the very few Ash of War freedom of preference you know, whatever Affinity you wish to put onto it. This is also a scarlet rock weapon, you may create yourself a build that is extremely effective and effective which has the Scarlet rot. It's also a weapon that may be in PvP where it is very scary, the harm is obviously likely to be good however you've got the Scarlet Rock potential which is actually a really bad individual in which the fight continues a bit. So while there isn't overly much to say of it, it's a valid and functional weapon and one of the best Scarlet Rock choices for sure, therefore it deserves a minimum of some acknowledgment

11 - Zweihander (B Tier)

This is actually used by PvP players who choose to use these wire handers his or their colossal sword option, the reason for that's that it's significantly reduced weight when compared with other colossal swords, and you will put any Affinity onto it, and you will put any Ash of War inside it like the great ones. A lot of PVP builds when utilizing this weapon particularly having 5 or 6 different ones for various affinities and different ashes, just suddenly take out usually in Invasion scenarios, do, tight corridors, after which suddenly Lions claw an individual to kill them. But when compared with another weapon on this list, it basically does exactly the same thing, a bit lighter but noticeably less AR like Peak.

10 - Prelate's Inferno (B Tier)

This weapon is actually the same thing as another weapon we're likely to talk about, but less efficient and doesn't have that type of unique R2. It is really a bonk machine and is excellent at bonking, there is however technically a much better bonking weapon that is awkward for The Inferno Crozier. It does look great though, the moveset works best for this weapon obviously works well and the output's solid. It's just overshadowed by another pick which is simply really unfortunate with this weapon however it still should be out there because of what it will and how well it will.

9 - Fallingstar Beast Jaw (B Tier)

This is yet another colossal weapon having a basic colossal hammer moveset such as the Staff from the Avatar basically, however, it benefits from its magic aspect, as well as the Ash of War is really a target ball that you simply can absolutely spam, that's great in PVE since it can actually stagger bosses from really a long way away leading to free criticals and quite reliable DPS. People do such as this weapon because it works well. We also view it as a type of like a really singular one-minded playstyle, you're either while using ash or you're while using hamamusa, there are basically better choices for that.

8 - Starscourge Greatsword (B Tier)

This weapon is cool in design also it has that automatic power stand setup in which you have both of them. It just includes a forced basic moveset because you're forced right into a power stance to actually use them, which means you don't have much control over the weapon to obtain some from the more unique and well-powerful facets of a colossal sword. You need to only use one of them which type defeats the objective of them, the output and potential especially using the Poise are still excellent especially being slapped by two colossal swords, no one's likely to like that. Then the Ash of War Starcaller Cry is two-part pulling then slamming down AOE that's effective and incredibly nice damage. The problem is in PvP, it is extremely predictable and a little slow, therefore it's really simple to avoid. They're good weapons but when compared with other colossal swords, it isn't maybe probably the most optimal pick.

7 - Axe of Godfrey (A Tier)

Axe of Godfrey was very depressing for a long period but following a major buff to its Regal Roar Ash of War, it is much more viable. Now the Regal Roar itself actually has the advantages of the Beast Talisman and Beast Roar Talisman, so it will do a lot more damage. But admittedly it's a really slow Ash of War, therefore it's unlikely to land there unless someone constitutes a big mistake. The real powerhouse may be the first part from the unique heavy attack combo that comes in the War Cry facet of Regal Roar, providing you with this really fast sudden slam down then swing track of the axe which may be relied upon so aggressively in PvP as the primary even only trading a panic attack tool. It's so reliable since the slam is really a pretty reasonable range and also the upward kind of uppercut isn't damaged also it can emerge at a moment's notice. In PVE, you are able to entirely depend on just that part of the weapon to crush bosses since it's a large heavy attack, it'll stagger them as well there are many methods to make this weapon quite strong.

6 - Godslayer's Greatsword (A Tier)

This colossal weapon has powerful Ash of War Black Fire which deals percent Health damage with time, meaning if you are facing a boss having a big health bar, Black Fire will deal much more damage. Also, this Ash of War includes a multiple-hit combo into it, letting you swing deal Black Fire, around the upwards hit you are able to even tick and trade with this and you are able to roll out of it following a patch change letting you faint the Ash of War or just you realize roll out when things fail, that's a very powerful tool and really reliable with this weapon. It's also got a significant unique moveset, in its very vertical attacks considering this is really a colossal sword.

5 - Maliketh's Black Blade (A Tier)

They buffed the Destin Death aspect from the Ash of War to serve you for a full minute meaning it's likely to be there the whole time you're fighting whether this is a boss fight or perhaps a dual, providing you with 10 Health reduction while applied that is a big damage hit for big health bar bosses. It deals damage on hit in addition to a DOT of damage with time, which is nice in PvP because even when they somehow roll it the dot can somehow clip them apply deaths and death, and deal its dot damage anyway. The Ash of War has hyper armor, therefore it's ideal for trading for your purpose also it works perfectly in unison using the dagger - the Black Knife applying both and stacking the Destin Death effect.

4 - Ruins Greatsword (A Tier)

This is really a legendary Armament that has two aspects into it that is excellent. Firstly the heavy which includes a unique kind of magic slam attached into it costs no FP to complete. But then the Ash of War Wave of Destruction has long-range knocking people up into the air and dealing great damage and it is absolutely flammable. In fact, it's really a great way to trade in PVP, it's really a great way to AOE multiple targets in PVE and PVP, and you will rely on it entirely as the DPS option in PVE. Then it's also only a great high AI colossal sword only requiring a meager quantity of intelligence to operate. It doesn't possess the insane potential and variety our top pick does for your weapon type, however, it is a great option which explains why it's A-tier.

3 - Royal Greatsowrd (A Tier)

This weapon is simply a funny weapon like a magic colossal sword, they fit a strange category. It's not probably the most reliable weapon until we consider how it will it using the Ash of War Wolf's Assault which for whatever reason was buffed to have much more hyper armor though it had loads from it anyway, therefore the entire time that you simply doing the Assault, you have hyper armor permitting infinite trading utilizing it, after which you simply do it over and over. Because the high parameter is likely to protect you, you are able to just blindly do that over and over even just in PVE even just in boss fights in which the DPS potential the output due to that. It's only a good colossal sword by itself, using the good colossal sword kind of moveset, in PvP sure you are able to blindly Ash of War again and again. But you are left a little vulnerable and type of took in an extended animation where someone could harass you with ranged incantations or spells or ashes so while it's excellent in PVE it isn't as good in PvP.

2 - Greatsword (S Tier)

Greatsword is really versatile when compared with zweihander, it is the same weapon except it's heavier, however, the benefit may be the AR is likely to be higher which means you deal more damage per hit. So if you are willing to put up having a weight which we're sure many people are, it's incredible when compared with the other colossal swords using the same movesets. This weapon stands out since it's buffable, you are able to make it Fire, Magic, Ice, Bleed whatever you wish to buff this track of grease or perhaps an incantation, also it can take any from the Colossal sword's Ash Of War like Lion's Claw or Giant's Hunt. It's so versatile, you are able to do whatever you want by using it, and running it in a wide variety of types of heavy strand builds.

1 - Giant-Crusher (S Tier)

Giant-Crusher may be the highest damage in a one-hit weapon hanging around. If you reduce and make a more reliable one, you are able to use it on any build, you are able to deal a great 5K damage per hit quickly and easily. And it's largely right down to the fact that it includes a unique heavy attack that kind of flips that deals extra damage. There are lots of ways to boost the power of the charged heavy attack that may lead to like 2 or 3 shocking many bosses, it can result in hilarious hyper armor and super high Poise. It's a excellent weapon for any single hit dealing big damage and raw strength that actually represents the Colossal weapon kind of gameplay. It's a predictable weapon having a simple moveset in PvP though, nevertheless, its output can't be ignored.

It's low the difference between your weapons within the tiers, hopefully, this can help you work out which weapon you wish to run with regards to colossal weapons.
