A List of Term Paper Ideas: Business

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A List of Term Paper Ideas: Business

A List of Term Paper Ideas: Business

  • Analyze a Case: Palm Economy.

This paper analyzes a case concerning Palm Pilot PDAs.

  • Analyzing a Supervisor: Strengths and Weaknesses in Organizational Skills

When a writer will writing an essay on this topic he or she will seek to understand a particular supervisor who had instructed students on how to manage a business. In this way, we can see how morale, the competitive edge, and high production were the main factors that contributed to the success of this supervisor. Although some minor failures did occur, the majority of this supervisor's leadership was effective.

  • Anheuser-Busch International.

This is a paper that analyzes Anheuser-Busch International in the Chinese market. Use an economics help to fond relevant facts, information and data for your paper.

  • Annotated Bibliography: Sexual Harassment and Power in the Workplace

This paper will give an annotated bibliograph for sexual harassment and power in the workplace. By evaluating the books: Sexual Harassment Know Your Rights! By Attorneys Martin Eskenazi; Tales from the Boom Boom Room by Susan Antilla, and Sexual Harassment A Practical Guide to the Law, Your Rights, and Your Options for Taking Action by Tracy O'Shea and Jane LaLonde, we can understand legal and emotional support for sexually harassed women.

  • Answers To Two Questions.: Question 1 - What is strategic intent? In what ways does strategic intent influence the strategic decision making process? Question 2 - Job design concerns the satisfaction of the jobholder's needs, thus facilitates the achievement of organization objectives and the performance of the work. Evaluate the job design strategies in current use.

Answers to Questions in An analysis of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson, 6th edition.

  • An analysis of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy by J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson, 6th edition.

Three articles are analyzed within the criterion of questions posed at their endings. By understanding the points made in the articles, we can learn how the author's view business.

  • Antarctica -Product Innovation.

This is a paper that surveys the needs of cycling individual in Antarctica and outlines how products innovation strategy could be devised focusing on textile products. 

  • Anti-Trust Legislation in Cyberspace.

This paper examines the relevance of traditional anti-trust legislation in the wake of the Information Revolution. It begins by examining the Microsoft case as an apparent illustration of the validity of anti-trust legislation. However, it then examines changes in corporate structure and operation that undermine traditional models of anti-trust legislation.

More resources:

Business Term Paper Ideas

A List of 7 Business Term Paper Topic Ideas 

Business Term Paper Ideas

How to Critically Analyze a Research Paper
