It’s okay to be NOT okay: Coping with Depression.

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Depression is not just a feeling of intense sadness. It goes far beyond that. It's as deadly as a silent assassin. sucking the life force out of you subconsciously. Everyone talks about the signs of depression.

Being sad is completely healthy and normal. But when the immense sadness just lingers and has no discernible origin, it gets out of hand. You need to know that it is something you cannot snap out of. Dealing with a very sensitive yet concerning topic causes feelings and thoughts that do not go away. Many of them lose interest in daily life activities, lack energy, and have trouble concentrating. You may also be sunk in deep guilt or anxiety, and it feels like there is no way out. All of these are signs of depression, a mood disorder that is also called clinical depression or major depressive disorder. 

The generation is also vulnerable to intoxicants when they feel like it gets too much. That being said, the consumption of various depressants is classified as the new “cool” thing among the young population. These drugs affect our nervous system and slow its processes. The action calms the nerves and relaxes tensed muscles. So the question arises: is weed a depressant? Yet the solution is more complex than it first appears. It has a combined effect on our nervous system.

The response varies for every individual. As a result, it may act as a depressant, stimulant, or even prove to be hallucinogenic. It's possible to develop a dependency on marijuana. If you use marijuana at night to help you sleep, you may find it increasingly difficult to doze off without the drug. Moreover, various weed breeds and varieties might have various effects. 

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Other possible substances that may be used as depressants

While we are on the topic of discussing substances and their activities, another common question pops up: “Is nicotine a depressant?” 

As we all know, nicotine is the major ingredient in all tobacco products. Its primary function is to increase the rate at which the brain and body can exchange information. The central nervous system can respond to the nicotine in chewing tobacco in two opposite ways: as a stimulant or a depressant. The chemicals adrenaline and dopamine are released in response to nicotine consumption. This drug is responsible for the user getting “the high” after smoking. It has the ability to produce a short-term euphoric effect. However, it can worsen depression and anxiety. It's extremely harmful, and addicts often turn to it as a last resort. 

What is at stake?

Whether you are 13 or 30, depression has no filters. if only the situation worsens and changes for people of various ages. It is a very real diagnosis. as real as cancer. A typical adult depression may include a clinically depressed mood. But in adolescence, you might see more mood swings, crankiness, and grumpy behaviour. Another symptom we see in depression is an unknown gain or loss of weight. It varies from person to person. 

Men and women experience depression differently on a physiological level. Women have started talking about their issues and how difficult it gets for them. If a woman is unable to fulfil her most fundamental roles in society, she is more likely to face ridicule and marginalization. All of this feeds into a hazardous feedback cycle that makes her depression worse. 

Similarly, men also suffer from depression. However, male depression often goes undiagnosed and unnoticed. Firstly, society blames men for their damaged coping mechanisms. The stigma that follows around is that men should be tough; they shouldn’t cry. You may have picked up the common male trait of prioritizing self-control. You may believe that it is unmanly to talk about your depression because of the stigma attached to doing so.

It seems daunting to live with depression. But fortunately, there are many fruitful and effective ways to feel better. 

Encourage treatment 

People with depression may react differently towards your “help” because they think they are irreparable. You may not be able to provide the accurate mental support that is required. Also, individuals who are sad cannot be aware of or admit their depression. People could believe their sentiments are normal since they are unaware of the warning signs and symptoms of depression. Many incorrectly assume they should be able to cure their depression with effort alone because they feel humiliated about it all too often. 

With a combination of treatments, you can quickly recover. Approximately 80–90% of the people respond well to treatment. Hence, it is a treatable disease. The stigma associated with talking about mental health is far more significant.

There are some tips to encourage treatment: 

Talk to the concerned person

Explain the signs that you see, and let that person know that you are not alone. When you need assistance, you can find it. It is never too late, and it is always advisable to let your concerns out. 

Talk about depression 

Explain to the person that depression is a medical condition and it is not in your head. Tell them what you feel is okay, and don’t be so hard on yourself. Explain the symptoms and possibly effective treatment options that work. 

Suggest seeking medical health

Always ask to seek medical advice from a trained and professional medical counsellor or a psychologist. 

Offer to help 

The willingness to help stems from being there with them during their appointments, attending family therapy sessions, and other practical solutions. 

Understand suicide risk

Suicide is more common among those who suffer from depression. Be ready for the chance that your extremely depressed loved one may experience suicidal thoughts at some point. 

Defending yourself from depression isn't always possible; however, you can lessen your chances by:

  • Keeping to a regular schedule of sleep.
  • Using beneficial methods to deal with stress.
  • taking good care of yourself on a regular basis by doing things like working out, meditating, and doing yoga.


Some antidepressants work well to reduce the symptoms. Several classes of drugs are prescribed according to the symptoms. For instance: 

  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
  • atypical antidepressants
  • tricyclic antidepressants
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors 

A person should only take medicines that the doctor prescribes. Self-diagnosis can be harmful and fatal. A few of the drugs may take a while to show their effects. But you should not leave the course incomplete, as it may show no healthy results in the long run. 

Natural remedies

Some people use herbal medicines as a form of natural treatment for mild to moderate depression. 

  1. Ginseng: Conventional doctors might use this to help their patients unwind and concentrate. 
  2. Chamomile: The flavonoids in this may help alleviate depression.
  3. Lavender: Perhaps it helps to relieve stress and sleeplessness.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and stress-management techniques are all examples of talking therapies. 

Most of the time, these therapies are seen as the first line of defence against depression. However, the effects vary from individual to individual. 

To understand the relationship between one's thoughts, actions, and emotions is central to cognitive-behavioural therapy. Then they put in a lot of effort to alter their destructive habits of thought and behaviour.

The goals of interpersonal therapy include explaining:

  • emotional issues that impede interaction and connection
  • ways to build relationships and handle emotions more effectively 


You may not be aware, but various physical and mental exercises have a significant impact to heal and reduce stress. 

Some aerobic exercises raise endorphins and neurotransmitters, easing anxiety and stress. 

When you combine exercise with traditional treatments like antidepressants and psychotherapy, you get the most out of both. 


Please understand, it is not a one-fix-one-done situation. It won't be a "one and done" if you want to keep your body chemistry in a good place, so be consistent. It is very empowering to know that we are capable of bringing out a healthy change in ourselves. Depression symptoms may take time to heal, so be patient. Help is always available. 

Anyone in need can call free, confidential, national hotlines that are full of experts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Anyone suffering from depression who needs or wants a safe space to express their emotions may find them helpful. 
